~8~ Discipline

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Taylor's POV

"You wanted to see me Chief?" Greene asks as he sticks his head in my office.

"Yeah, shut the door," I say with a stern voice, immediately making Wes' face flash concern.

He shuts the door and comes over, taking his usual seat by my desk. "Am I in trouble, or is someone else?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Those are the only two options when you want the door shut."

I nod as I set my file down and stare at him hard. "You're in trouble, Assistant Chief."

His back stiffens as he waits for me to speak.

"Have you been drinking while on shift, Wes?"

"Excuse me?!?!"

"You're still speaking to your Chief, Greene. Change your tone and answer my question."

Wes blows out a big breath and shakes his head in disgust. "No, Chief Preston, I haven't been drinking while on shift.....Sir."

I raise my eyebrows at how snarky he's still being, but ignore it.

"So you wouldn't mind blowing in this," I say casually as I grab a breathalyzer from inside my desk drawer and wave it in front of his face.

He curses at me as he pushes it out of his face. "Who the hell do you think you are, Taylor? I've never drank a drop of alcohol while on shift, and I resent that you're questioning that."

I nod as I turn the breathalyzer around in my hands. "I'm questioning whether or not you're still drunk from your bender last night. Don't make me write in your file that you're refusing to blow in this. That would strip you of your title."

Wes glares at me as he simply nods, and I bring the breathalyzer to his lips and wait for him to put his mouth on the straw. Once he finally does and blows out a big breath, I take it out of his mouth and look at the number.

"Wesley," I hiss as I slam it down on my desk and pinch the bridge of my nose.

".04," I say with my eyes closed.

"I'm under the legal limit," he says in such an empty tone, I look up at him again.

"The only acceptable number is 0.0 when you walk through these doors. You just messed up, Wes."

"Save the lecture Chief and just tell me what the discipline is," he says as he leans back in his chair and stares at me.

I just look at my best friend, my mind racing, trying to figure out what to do without this ruining his career.

Finally I nod and take a big breath. "Isabelle leaving wasn't your fault, Wes."

Anger flashes in his eyes as he straightens his back. "Let's keep things professional, Chief."

"You want professional? Fine, no problem!" I hiss as I point my finger at him.

"You're off truck indefinitely, starting now."

"Great. See ya later," he says as he stands up and starts walking towards the door.

"SIT YOUR ASS DOWN!" I scream.

He actually jumps a little, and stops walking immediately. I see him shake his head and then turn around, sitting back in his seat.

"I'm not sending you home so you can get drunk out of your mind once again. You're here pushing papers for the foreseeable future."

His eyes start to blaze and his hand starts to shake. "You're stripping me of my truck and making me an admin, Taylor? What the hell?"

I shrug as I get on my phone. "Laurie, can you find Drake and send him in here? Thanks."

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