~79~Coming Home

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Josie's POV

This semester has been the hardest of my entire life, yet somehow one of the best. Even though I'm ready to see Mason and Sasha, I'm bummed to leave the life I've been making. I get a month break before I go back again, and I'm anxious for how it will feel to be home.

It's been grueling. The dance routines, the school work, the homesickness. It's been the most insane semester of my life, yet being away from my brothers has almost been...


I talk to Dylan a lot, and he's really sad because he couldn't get approved time off for Christmas. Even though I'm completely devastated, I'm trying to focus on the good happening.

I get to see Mason.

When I exit my terminal and look around, I don't need to scan the crowd long before I see him. My blonde haired, blue-eyed brother with his smile shining brighter than the sun beaming through the windows.

He runs over to me and scoops me up, twirling me around until I almost get dizzy. He still hasn't put me down as he kisses my cheek over and over.

"You're home," he croons again and again in my ear as he runs his fingers through curls that I couldn't tame today.

Once he finally puts me down, he still keeps ahold of me as he inspects me.

"You look good, Jose. How are you?"

"Glad to be back," I say as I hug his waist, and he pulls me into him tightly again.

"Where's Sasha?" I ask as I look around, noticing that he's the only one here.

"School doesn't end for us until next week, and she needed to do presentations today in a few of her classes. She wants us to come by before we go home."

"Ok," I grin as I pick up my carry-on that got dropped, and Mason silently takes it from me and puts it on his own back.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you," he says as he takes my hand and we walk to the baggage claim.

"I missed you too. I thought about coming home so many times."

"What made you stay?" He asks gently as we get to the conveyer belt and wait for the baggage to come out.

"Jericho. She's the best friend I've ever had."

"Really?" He grins, somehow looking relieved.

"Yeah. Is it ok if she comes after Christmas for a week? Her family will be gone and she doesn't want to be by herself."

"Of course, Jose. I'm stoked to meet her."

I smile to myself as the alarm goes off and the luggage starts coming out. I'm excited for them to meet her too. I've never had a best friend before. Izzy was the closest I had and she abandoned me. Jericho is the kind of friend I don't even have to try with. She's my person.


When we leave the airport, I tell Mason all about my semester. Which classes I liked, which ones I hated...I tell him my favorite places to eat, and the places that I avoided for one reason or another.

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