~19~ Pull A Nolan

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Gabby's POV

"What's wrong, sweet girl?" Dad asks as he spins me around and bends down, staring hard into my eyes.

"I really don't wanna tell you," I whisper.

Dad nods as he continues to stare at me. "What did you do?"

"Nothing. It's not me."

"Who is it?"

"Colton," I say as I look down at my feet.

Dad is quiet for so long, I look up at him and see he's already fighting his rage for some reason.

"What did he do?" He finally asks.

I point to the safe in the corner of their room. "I saw him taking a bunch of money before we went bowling."

Dad blows out his breath as he walks over and puts in the combo, reaching in and counting a crap-ton of money.

"He took $4,000," Dad whispers in disbelief.

"Are you sure?!?!" Mom asks as she gets out of bed and walks over to dad.

Dad simply nods as he wipes a tear that falls down his face. "I have to arrest him, Lilah."

"LIKE HELL YOU DO!!!!" She screams, pushing him roughly.

Dad blows out a breath and sniffs, locking the safe back up and going out the door. He goes to Taylor and Ellie's room, and knocks.

When Taylor answers the door, he's also wearing sweats and no shirt. Does anybody wear clothes at night?

Dad motions for Taylor to follow him, and once he's in their room dad shuts the door.

"What's up?" Taylor asks as mom goes to her closet and throws a sweatshirt over her tank top.

Dad tells Taylor what happened, and Taylor's eyes bug out. "I need help," dad says at the end.

"With what?" Taylor nods, his voice turning serious.

"I'm arresting him when he gets home, Taylor. I'll get myself dressed now. I need help to make sure I stay 'detective'. If I start to let my rage take over......Damn it. Can you help me?"

Taylor nods as he leaves quickly and calls for Ellie. When she comes in and they explain what happened, she nods and touches his cheek. "I'm so sorry."

Dad looks at mom, and mom is furious. "This is bullshit. He's our son, and you're treating him like a criminal."

"It's because he's acting like one, Lie."

She throws a pillow at him, and he ignores it as he stares at her.

"I threw Liam in jail once, and what he did was minimal. This is ruining his life, Lilah. I have to do this."

"You did what now?" Ellie asks as she crosses her arms.

"Damn it," dad hisses. "When he stole the Driver's Ed car....I made him spend eight hours in a cell."

Ellie smacks her lips together and looks at Taylor. Taylor holds his hands up defensively. "I promise I didn't know about that."

"He didn't, El," dad says, sounding so heartbroken and defeated, I wanna give him a hug.

Ellie sees it too, and her face softens immediately as she hugs him and kisses his cheek. "You're a good dad."

"I sure as hell am not. Can you guys get out so I can change? Otherwise you're gonna see my ass."

Taylor and Ellie leave silently, and I do too. When dad opens his door back up, he's wearing his detective clothes.

"I'm going downstairs to wait on him. You coming, Lie?"

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