~12~ Big Baby

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Ellie's POV

When we go upstairs, Taylor looks at Jake. "You want to go first, or us?"

Jake thinks for a minute. "Go ahead if you want. I have a lot of lecturing I wanna do first."

Taylor simply nods as he knocks quickly on Nolan's door, and then opens it. "Let's go, kid," he says as he motions with his pointer finger.

As Nolan is following us out, I hear Jake. "If you think Woody is gonna hurt, that's NOTHING compared to the lecture comin' your way....."

When we walk into our bedroom and Taylor shuts the door, I go to the closet and grab Woody.

When I come out, Taylor is crossing his arms and Nolan is sitting on the bed.

"I don't know what else we can do to get you to stop lying, so I'm not even lecturing about that this time."

Nolan looks at his dad and is already fighting tears. "I hardly EVER lie anymore!"

"So why did you this time?"

"'Cause Gabby is scary and I didn't want her to kill me."

Taylor walks over to him and bends down, an inch from Nolan's face.

"Really think trying to be funny is a good idea right now?"

Nolan gulps and shakes his head. "No sir."

"I'll ask again....Why. Did. You. This. Time?"

"Because I was ashamed. I feel so bad that I cut her hair. I CUT HER HAIR!!! I'm completely evil," he says as he looks at his hands in his lap and blinks several times.

Taylor sighs as he kisses Nolan's head. "You're a bonehead, but you're not evil. Let's get the soap over with."

Nolan nods as he stands up and follows Taylor into our bathroom. Taylor rummages under the sink and gets a brand new bar of soap. He takes it out of the cardboard box and puts it in front of Nolan's face after he lathers it up.

"You know the drill," he says in a bored tone.

Nolan quietly opens his mouth, and Taylor places the white Dove soap in between his lips. "Bite"

Nolan does, and Taylor turns the timer on his phone.

Watching my kid get soap is brutal for me, and I can't do it. Instead, I sit on the edge of the bed and simply wait. I can hear Nolan shift, and Taylor sigh.

"If that soap falls out of your mouth, the time restarts. Stand still and accept the punishment you earned for your lie. I gave you the choice to admit what happened earlier, and you chose not to take it. You can take the punishment you earned now without fighting, or I'll bend you over the sink and spank you for the remainder. What will it be?"

I turn and see Nolan shaking his head back and forth, having a completely horrible time with the soap and about to spit it out.

I walk into the bathroom and can instantly tell this isn't going well for him. Suddenly, Nolan drops the soap out of his mouth and starts to gag into the sink.

Taylor stops the time and sighs in complete frustration as he waits for his son to stand back up.

"I warned you," he says in a scary voice as he spins him around by his bicep until his stomach is touching the basin. "Bend," he says darkly.

Nolan takes a big intake of breath as he bends over, sticking his butt out.

Taylor promptly puts the soap back in his mouth and restarts his timer again.

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