~26~ Another Statistic

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Ellie's POV

It's been a week since the crazy with Colton, and nothing has gotten better. Alex convinced Luke and Shay to stay in the apartment until the addition is put on, and they finally agreed.

Wes has been working around the clock, and he has gotten a few of his construction buddies to help. Between permit hassles and getting it started, it's going to be at least a month before it's done.

School is starting back on Monday, and I'm ready. Nolan needs some schedule to his days, and Gabby needs out of this house.

The divorce is underway. Although it will take between 6-9 months to be finalized, Alex filed yesterday; Things aren't good at all between them.

Lilah has been doing her best to see Colton, and is at her wits end that the facility won't allow her inside. Alex has been in contact with one of the admin at the place, and they promised to call him if Colton checks himself out...Although I actually think that's illegal, Alex always seems to be able to do what isn't allowed.

"Mom, come on! I don't want to!!!"

"Nolan James," I sigh as I pinch the bridge of my nose. "You have to go, and I'm tired of arguing with you."

"My teeth are fine!"

"I know...It's because I make you go to the dentist. Let's go!"

"Dad?" Nolan begs, turning pleading eyes to Taylor.

Taylor shakes his head. "I'm not taking responsibility if all of your teeth fall out and you have to gum your steak."

"This is crap! I don't wanna go to the dentist!"

"Buddy, it's a teeth cleaning. They're not doing anything but cleaning your teeth," I say as I rub his arm softly.

"What's the big deal?" Gabby asks as she gets a water from the fridge.

Nolan ignores her as he stares at me. "Mom, please? Please!"

I look at Taylor, and he shrugs. I can tell on Nolan's face that it's an issue from his past, but what if he has a cavity or something? I don't know what to do.

"The place I'm taking you to has laughing gas. Would you be more comfortable using that while they clean your teeth?"

"What's that?" Nolan asks.

Taylor grins. "Some really cool stuff that makes you feel like you're floating on a cloud."

Nolan looks at me, and finally nods. "I guess."

Taylor kisses his head and squeezes his hand. "You'll be fine."

Nolan rolls his eyes and goes out the door, and I sigh. "Sometimes I want to know what happened to him, and other times I'm thankful that I don't."

"I feel the same way," Taylor says sadly.


When we get home, I pull Taylor to the side. "How'd it go?" He asks.

"Fine, but his wisdom teeth need to come out. They're impacted and starting to press on his molars. Soon they will start damaging them."

"Ok," Taylor nods, not understanding my problem.

"It's surgery, Tay. He panicked with the cleaning. Even with the gas I had to hold his hand."

"What choice do we have, Ellie?"

"I don't want to put him through that," I say as I start to cry.

"I don't either...But I also don't want his teeth to be permanently damaged. I think we have to pull the 'This is for your own good' card."

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