~89~ Poor Petey

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Maybe Trigger Warning? Maybe Lucy is just being silly? Do me a favor and proceed with caution, friends 😅

Zoe's POV

"Can I go to Gabby's?" I ask mom as I put my book bag over my shoulder.

"You wanting to do homework over there today, sweetie?"


"Everything ok?" She asks as she continues trying to find a receipt she's needing from her pile on the table.

"Yeah, I just wanted to hang out with Gabby while we do our History."

"Sure. Be good," she smiles as she kisses my head and I leave quickly.

When I get in, Ellie is throwing marshmallows at Taylor in the living room.

"You don't have to be nasty, Ellie Jane," he cackles as he dodges away from a puffy white rocket.

"You wanna pick on my driving? From here on out you're getting objects thrown at you. I'm starting out slowly with soft things. Keep it up and I won't be so nice next time."

"Stating a fact isn't the same thing as picking on you," he laughs as he sees me and jumps over the coffee table, using me as a shield and ducking behind me.

"Don't move, Zoe....My accuracy isn't stellar," she says as she sticks her tongue out of the corner of her mouth to focus as she lines Taylor up in her sights.

"Kinda like your driving....." Taylor taunts, poking his head out from behind me so he can smirk at her.

She uses that exact moment to throw, and the marshmallow hits him square on the nose.

"You were saying....." she smiles as Taylor tries to catch his breath from his laughter, letting go of me and grabbing his stomach.

"Ellie Jane just hear me out...," he breathes as he straightens and wipes a tear from his eye, trying to gain his composure back. "If your driving was as badass as that throw just was, I wouldn't have to constantly state facts that you don't like."

She gives him a signature "Ellie is not amused" look and he walks up to her, hugging her tightly and kissing her loudly.

"Where did ya learn to throw like that?"

"A girl never reveals her secrets...Keep statin' inaccurate facts and I'll upgrade to apples next time."

"Inaccurate?!?!" He scoffs. "...wait...which kind of apples?"

"Does it really matter?" Ellie grins as she starts picking up the marshmallow ambush.

Taylor starts to say something when Gabby comes down the stairs.

"Hey! I didn't know you were here!"

"I just got here," I grin as she comes over and looks at the crazy old people acting like children.

"What happened?"

"Taylor bugs me," Ellie says as she eats a weapon.

"I'm really gonna start buggin' you young lady," he warns as he smacks her butt and walks out of the room and into their home office.

"You guys want a snack?" Ellie grins as she shows us her handful of marshmallows.

Gabby laughs as we walk to the kitchen and join Nolan at the table with his tutor.

"Nolan, you need to start paying attention," Logan sighs as she erases something he just wrote.

Nolan rolls his eyes as he looks back at his book, and we sit down to work on our stuff too.

Inferno Part 4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora