~73~ Resurfacing Insecurities

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This is my last update until Monday!

Emma's POV

When I get home from work, Trace is waiting up for me.

"You didn't need to do that, you have shift tomorrow," I say softly. I put my hand on his chest and feel the normal tightening in my tummy as he stares at me, making me feel special in the way only he can.

He hugs me tight and rocks me back and forth as we sway gently in the living room.

"I've missed the hell outta you," he finally says.

"How is she?" I ask as I look up at him.

"She hardly talks, so I don't know. She went up to her room after we got home and hasn't been down since. I tried to bring her food, and she told me to leave her alone."

"How's your mom and dad?"

"Dad is really really bad...Mom is doing better, I think. She said she was able to talk to Izzy just a little bit in the hospital before she shut down again."

"So she found some things out?"

Trace shakes his head. "Just that most nights she slept in a park in the city."

"What city?"

"She wouldn't tell her."

I blow out a breath and he holds me tighter. "Maybe I should stay home tomorrow. Chief won't care if I take furlough."

"I actually think it might be good for your dad if you work...."

He nods as he rests his chin on my head. "Did you have a good day?"

"Yeah. We're throwing Jake the surprise party on Friday."

"Ok. Can I do anything to help?"

"Nah, I don't think so. Thanks though."

He bends down and kisses me softly. "You gonna be okay with her here alone?"

"It's just Izzy........"

He lets go of me and straightens his back. "No, this is Isabelle. Izzy is gone."

"Maybe for now......"

He takes my hand as we go upstairs, and we snuggle in bed until we fall asleep—both of us in our own heads about all that's happened.

Tomorrow he leaves me for another shift, and it always scares me to death.

I don't know how mom and Megan always did this....I was never really scared when dad left for work; I never knew there was a reason to be. Mom shielded us from that fear.

I wish she could shield me from it still.


"Love you Emmy," he whispers in my ear the next morning as he kisses my cheek gently and leaves, shutting the bedroom door softly.

I keep my eyes closed as I fight tears from falling. The emptiness I feel when he leaves for shift is intense. When I get out of bed an hour later, Izzy is still sleeping in her room.

I go about my daily routine, listening to music on the speakers as I throw a load of laundry in and start working on cleaning the living room.

"People are trying to sleep!" I hear her hiss as she comes down wearing only a bra and underwear.

When she gets over to me, she rolls her eyes and turns down the music, crossing her arms. "It's 10:00 am! Why the hell does the music need to be so loud?!?!"

"Sorry," I say as I continue cleaning in complete silence as the half naked girl glares at me.

I'm trying hard not to look at her, but the way her ribs poke out of her almost translucent skin is making me want to hug her, and then pray I don't accidentally snap her like a twig from squeezing too tightly.

Inferno Part 4Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum