~100~ The Legacy Lives On

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Ellie's POV

I've been known to be a little difficult from time to time. There's things in my life that I'd do differently if I had a chance to.

What I wouldn't do differently, you ask?

Marry Taylor.

He is and always will be the one thing in my life that saved me. He made me feel safe for the first time in my life.

As I look around this massive cookout we're having, I smile to myself.

We created this life

There's so many things happening right now and chaos is everywhere. Drew and Jaxson are getting in trouble for digging into the desserts before the men even put down the burgers.

I smile at my firstborn, wearing a chefs hat with pride as he and his BFF man the grill.

"Mason, you're burning the shit outta my wieners," he groans as he tries to move the hotdogs away from the flame.

Mason cackles as he thumps Liam on the head. "Maybe if your wiener wasn't so skinny it wouldn't burn so easily!"

"I TOLD YOU THAT IN CONFIDENCE!" Liam yells as Mason laughs so hard his face turns red.

I smile at the man Liam became, even though I seriously questioned how he'd turn out during his teen years. I worried about him so much, always afraid I wasn't doing enough for him.

I watch as my man goes up to those two weirdos and puts them both in a headlock. "Do I need to put you two in your get-along shirt?" Taylor asks with a stern voice.

"No dad," they both say at the same time with pouts on their faces.

"Charlotte Eloise, if you hit your brother with the racket one more time we're going to go inside. Hear me young lady?" Liam booms, causing Charlie to put the racket behind her back.

"Daddy, I was just...."

"I know exactly what you were just. Keep it up..."

She sighs as she sets the racket down and goes over to Lizzie, who is playing lawn Jenga with Sasha and Mason's daughter, Grace.

They were not trying for another baby, but nobody is expected to be able to have sex without creating life in this family.

It's kinda what we do

"Lizzie Lou, you letting her win so Uncle Mason doesn't have hurt feelings?" He grins.

She smiles back, and the love that passes between the two takes my breath away. They healed what was broken between them when the twins were little, and now their bond is beautiful.

"Dad don't burn the burgers!" Savannah squeals as she rushes out of her rental car and over to her dad.

Liam's mouth drops open as he lets go of his spatula and runs over, picking up his girl and spinning her around. "I didn't think you could come this weekend!!!"

"I worked a few things around," she grins as she kisses his cheek.

Our little Savvy is a professional business woman who designs high-end malls around the world. She lives in New York City, and she's perfectly content living on her own without a man to take care of her—Her words.

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