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Raya's POV

We get home and Justin smiles big at me. "What'd ya wanna do first?"

"Umm.. wanna go for a walk? I remember when I came here that I was desperate to do something active once I got off the plane."

"You always want to do something active," he chuckles as he pushes me playfully and we head for the door.

As we're leaving I see dad standing there by himself, watching us.

"Want to come?" I ask dad.

He gives me a small smile and shakes his head. "Thanks Ray...Go spend some time with him. I know how much you've missed him."

I grin and turn to leave, when dad clears his throat. When I look at him, he raises his eyebrows and glares at me. "I left it in the car and I'm going to grab it now...."

Dad simply nods and waves goodbye.

"What was that about?" Justin asks when we get outside.

"My diabetes bag. I have to grab it real quick."

He's silent as I get it from the car, and when I look at him, he grins big at me and takes my hand as we walk down the sidewalk. When we get several blocks away, Justin clears his throat.

"How's Nolan?"

"He got his wisdom teeth out a few weeks ago."

"Oh yeah? How did he do with it?"

"Fine I guess. You could ask him if you want details."

He shakes his head and blows out a breath. "I've been thinking about seeing if he wanted to go to dinner with us tonight. Would you be ok with that?"

"Of course," I grin as I hug his waist.

As we continue to walk, I decide to ask him some things that I've been wanting to know. "Where did you guys grow up?"

"Here," he says quietly. "We lived on the north side of town."

"So you went to my school?"

"Correction....You go to my school," he smiles.

"Were you a good kid?"

He snorts. "I was sneaky, so I didn't get in trouble as much as Ellie. Jake, man....I think he got in trouble almost every day by the time he turned 17."

"For what?"

"Drinking and just being a dick," he says with a small laugh.

I can't picture my dad being a bad guy.

"I remember one time he had just gotten the belt for missing curfew, and when dad went to bed he snuck back out. He came home in the morning and dad was waiting at the table with the paddle in his hands. Ellie and I were eating breakfast and Jake was so pissed that he was getting it again, he huffed over to the table, dropped his pants, and told dad to have at it."

"I thought your dad never spanked you bare....." I say, remembering Zoe telling me there's always been a rule in place for that.

Justin shakes his head. "Never...But Jake was already in position and dad was pissed. Ellie couldn't get up from the table quick enough..." he laughs and his eyes get a far away look.

"Bet he never did it again," I chuckle.

"Oh, he totally snuck out, but he never dropped his pants again. He screamed so loud that I almost felt bad for him."

The thought of dad being in pain makes me shutter. Justin notices and clears his throat.

"Anyways...Jake took most of dad's attention with that stuff so I was able to fly under the radar."

Inferno Part 4Where stories live. Discover now