🌸Taeseok 🌸

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A/N: A 90° Bow to everyone who are reading this book. It's been 6 months I am trying my passion of writing in Wattpad. This is the very first book to reach 1.5k views even before finishing. Also I wrote 50 chapters which is highest compared to my other books. We have very long way to go with this book. Its not even half completed. This view count is quite impressing for me. Thank you so much. I will try hard to keep up your interest. Also, please check my other works and reading lists incase you are interested. My reading list contains only those books which I reread many times. I hope you too will like it. Please do read💝.


'Am I really not burden', Tae asked finally. They again sat on couch facing each other while discussing.

'No..Not at all. Do you know.. Jin hyung indirectly adopted me and Yoongi hyung for 3 years. We were completely dependent on him for everything. You are his brother. Why will you be burden to me? This is one and only thing he asked me. How can I not do that', Hoseok said. This time Tae is not disappointed. He understood that Hobi is good guy and he have so much respect on Jin and zero feelings on him. He accepted the truth.

'Fine.. I will go to College', Tae said finally.

'I will do all arrangements tomorrow', He opened his wallet taking out his black card. 'Keep it with you. I will be the happiest if you spend the money from this. Even its temporary.. I want to be best husband', Hoseok smiled. 'And.. Taehyung! Can we please be friends.. I really cant take you sulking all the time. I remember how supportive and easy going you use to be. Please be like that', Hoseok requested.

Tae felt happy that the elder noticed him before.

'okay.. But I have few conditions', Tae said sassily.

'Alright My Lord.. Shoot those', Hoseok said laughing.

'Hmm..', Tae thought for a while.

'First... you should never bring the topic of Divorce, temporary relation etc. Never means NEVER', Tae said.

'Okayy.. I wont.. But why?',

'I dont like it. It makes me freak out', Tae said. Hoseok thought for a while recollecting all the moments when Tae suddenly shouts while bringing Divorce topic.

'I am sorry.. I never know.. I wont bring it again', Hoseok said warmly.

'You have to pick up and drop me to College... atleast weekly once', Tae said.

'I dont mind.. dropping you daily. Next....',

'That's all for now.. But I will add things to this list when ever I feel like', Tae said making Hoseok chuckle.

'As your wish Your highness', Hoseok bowed dramatically.


'Is everything all right Taehyung?', Hoseok shocked to see Tae in his room holding a RJ plushie and a pillow.

'Umm.. I forgot to say two more conditions', Tae said in sleepy voice.

'And they are?', Hoseok got up to take things from Tae.

'I will sleep in your room from today', Tae said lowing his head.

'Umm.. Okay.. Fine.. But.. why is that?',

'I am afraid to sleep alone', Tae said in pout.

'Oopps. Sorry.. I forgot it... Please .. this way..', Hoseok took pillow and plushie from his hand and started arranging bed for both. Once he arranged, Tae placed RJ between him and Hoseok and turned to other side to sleep.

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