🌸JiKook 🌸

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'You dint wake up yet!!', Jungkook screamed falling over Jimin on bed once he found Jimin is still sleeping. Jimin groaned for the over weight on him. 'Ahh.. let me sleep for a while.. Namjoon and Yoongi were too much last night!!', Jimin mumbled pulling away Jungkook from his top. 'Wow!! You got a Jackpot! Stop bragging about your sex stories now okay?', Jungkook spoke cuddling his bestie. 'Why.. do you have yours to brag if I stop?', Jimin immediately turned around to see Jungkook pouting. 'You still dint sorted out things?', Jimin sat up understanding that Jungkook and Jin made no progress.

'I couldn't do it', Jungkook pouted sleeping in Jimin's lap.'That's fine.. Unless until it effects your relation on permanent basis Jungkook!!', Jimin spoke tucking the little strands behind Jungkook's ear. 'Is he disappointed? you came back with luggage..', he asked. 'Ofcourse he is.. and yesterday.. it's too much of begging for more intimacy you know.. but somehow I stopped him in middle while he was in ... you know ', Jungkook spoke worryingly.

'And what the fuck is your problem. Are you gonna put your virgin ass in museum? Why are you so afraid to accept him heartfully.. when all you did from years is wet dreaming about him', Jimin spoke feeling annoyed. Jungkook sat up pursing his lips.

'Do you understand it Jimin? I have him now. I can have things with him. But my heart is still not ready. I was ready actually yesterday night. But some how he started talking about big things and it made me afraid. So I ran away here this morning', Jungkook shared his fear with his friend. 'Jungkook!! I seriously can't get it when he is all you wanted.. why are you being like this? Ruining your own happiness?', Jimin pointed. 'That's why I am afraid.. everything is in my way. It's too unreal and unusual. That's why I am afraid', Jungkook pouted even more. Jimin got up understanding they has to do long ass conversation and went to washroom to freshen up.

They prepared breakfast together after a long time. 'So.. How was your big day yesterday? Did Jin know what have you done yesterday?', Jimin questioned while munching the breakfast keeping his mobile on the table. 'He knows partially. He knows I met my dad for gifting him the car. That's it', Jungkook responded. Jimin nodded understanding. 'By the way.. how did it went with your dad.. You simply messaged me that all is well', Jimin asked. 'He was frightened when I revealed him that I like Jin', Jungkook smiled. 'That's for sure though', Jimin chuckled. 'But when I explained that it's always been him.. he seems okay. I.. I informed him that I am planning to move in with him and he said he wanted to meet Jin before I do that', he stated. 'Wow.. So, your path cleared from his side', Jimin exclaimed happily. 'But... I am rethinking about my decision of moving in with him', Jungkook spoke fearfully as he know Jimin will shout at him. 'I am thinking to move back to my dad's place once you move out with Namjoon hyung. I dont think all this is for me', 'I seriously dont get you Jungkook!! It's just me and Tae who knows how deeply you love Jin. Jungkook!!! Do you even remember how crazy are you for him?', Jimin asked unable to see Jungkook swinging in his thoughts. 'I love him too much Hyung!!!', Jungkook spoke sadly.

'That is the reason... when he approached me first time in dispencary I responded right away without even questioning if he really likes me or not. And.. You know right... Our only meet before this Thailand episode.. we just are intimate with each other. I dint even thought of asking him how much I weigh in his life. Some how I was too naive to go to his home at midnight. I was too naive to think that I wanted to meet him out of love not out of lust. But I ended up asking him things I should never ask him in our first meet', Jungkook stopped eating remainding their first meeting. 'I am so ashamed that I couldnt make him feel assured that I can solve his problem without going through all that mess. Jimin!! Lisa might be powerful enough.. a slap was enough for her to come to her senses. I know it. But, somehow Jin couldn't trust me to share such thing with me resulting in shitting it toomuch and fucking my brain', 'Ggukiee!!! Are you still angry on that Lisa stuff? It's too long back Jungkook! din't you already forgave him for it', Jimin worried. 'I am not angry because he acted as if I doesn't matter Hyung!! I am angry because.. he loved me too much yet he dint trusted me as a capable partner to share his problem', Jungkook wiped off his tears.

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