🌸New Life🌸

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'Woahhh!! Just in a day..see what happend to our Taehyungiee', Jungkook and Jimin returned to their place and started chit chatting about how good God's fate is and How destined Hoseok and Tae are.

'Yeah hyung.. I remember.. how Tae use to blush when ever Hoseok even passes by. Now he will be with him all the time.....', Jungkook smiled but his smile stopped studdenly.

'What happend Ggukie?',

'What will happen after 7 months hyung?',

'Are you worrying about their divorce?', Jimin asked getting a Yes nod.

'Hmm.. I don't think they will divorce. 7 months is very long time. And Dibt you heard Mr.Jung's vows. I am sure Mr.Jung has soft spot for Taehyung.. Just like....', Jimin giggled.

'Just like?'

'Just like Mr.Jin has for you', Jimin said making the younger blush.

'He doesnt have any soft spot Hyung', Jungkook whined. 'Don't lie.. You guys were together on the Competition day night. Dont hide it Ggukie', Jimin teased.'Really nothing happened Hyung. But... you know what.. I .. I kinda had very heartful conversation with him. He even called me sweety', Jungkook shared his sweet memory with blushy face.

'Woah woah.. what??', Jimin shocked.

Jungkook explained all the things that happend on that night after he won the trophie.

'Don't you think its too strange. You said your dad hit you on that day mid night. How come he changed the very next day morning?', Jimin inquired.

'I am still confused Hyung. I know very well he dont have much amount with him. But he is so generous to gave me allowances for 2 years. I am so confused. I...', Jungkook suddenly remember something.

'Hyung... I remember something I should do. Let's talk later', With that Jungkook opened his bag pack picking his laptop and running out of the room.

He opened his mail and clicked on the mail sent by Jin with the passcode.

It contains 126 mails zipped in it. Each with date and title. Jungkook got chills while opening the first mail

Bulgogi Review

Dear Ggukie!

I dont know why I got the thought of recrding this reviews. But the I got the taste of Bulgogi you made.. I can sense you being Master Chef. You have unique signature in your recepie. I really love the way you
Grill the meat. Ofcourse there are corrections which I will say on face. But trust me.. I enjoyed it alot.

Jungkook got shocked. Jin recorded review of every dish Jungkook made and gifted him as a trophy after he won. And he adressed him Ggukie. Jungkook blushed at the thought that Jin actually thought about him.

Jungkook opened the next mail.

Bungeoppang Review(Fish shaped Pastry)

Hey Bunny,

I am wondering what if you make Same kind of Bungeoppang in a Rabbit shape other than Fish shape. . Just like you.. I would love to eat those. The fillings are so fresh. I admire your decision of adding coconut powder to give it an ancient touch. I personally wanted to taste Rabbit shaped Pastries from your hand. Will you prepare for me??',

Jungkook blushed. He can feel the flirty Jin. Rabbit shaped pastry and is he Bunny to Jin?.. its filled his mind. He slowly opened all the mails which contains.. praises.. flirts and appreciations and Jin's affection towards the younger. Reading the latest mails it almost looked like Jin is not at all talking about food. He is just prasing Jungkook's fingers even his grin while cooking. The couple of  comments which confirmed him that Jin is flirting in 18+ level.

Delicious✔️|| V-Hope || JinkookUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum