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'Bub!', the voice Tae and Hoseok heard made both of them to widen their eyes to find Jin himself infront of the door. Hoseok immediately went infront of Tae to be in between both so that Jin couldn't see him.

'What's going on?', Jin has tears in eyes. The first thing he heard when he stepped in is Tae shouting NO I WONT. What is Hoseok forcing Tae into?

'Tae! Go in. Get Changed. This is our personal matter. I hope you understand', Hoseok whispered giving the robe which Tae wore as fast as he could and ran into his room.

'WHAT'S GOING ON??', Jin grabbed Hoseok's collar hitting his face in the moment he could grip on him. Hoseok remained silent. He dont want to explain Jin what's going on with his husband. It's their personal.

'I married my baby brother with you just to avoid such situation. Why is he wearing something like that? What are you forcing him into? Hoseokah! I trusted you.. How could you??", Jin hit him sobbing again and fell on the couch unable to understand why Hoseok is silent. 'Hoseok! don't test my patience. Tell me what's going on?', Hoseok is still silent. Hoseok himself is trying to understand the reason of Tae's behaviour. Why Tae should behave like that? Why.. even after he have crush on some one else?

It took just minutes for Tae to change and run out of the room finding Hoseok lip bleading. He could sense Jin hit Hoseok which wrenched his heart. He went towards Jin and Jin hugged him. 'Tell me Bub! I am here. No need to worry about anything. What's he trying to do?', Jin asked hugging his brother. 'Nothing Hyung! It's.. it's our personal', Tae said trying to divert but Jin adament.

'Bub! You know I wont judge you.. Is he trying to behave like your step dad?', Jin asked seriously. 'That's what you think of me Jin?', Hoseok shouted unable to digest what Jin is imagining him as. 'Hyung! Please.. leave it..', Tae begged. Jin thought for a while and only one thing strike to his brain. 'Fine.. I wont interfere. Anyway.. I am here to take you home Tae! As I said before. Please pack. We will leave soon', Jin stated. 'As you said?', Hoseok questioned. 'You planned to come here? and he already knows it?', if Jin planned to come here and Tae knows it.. then why the hell Tae want his attention? Why the hell he have to behave as if he really wants Hoseok?

'Yes.. It's already 7 months. Thankfully. Hoseok-ssi! Please make yourself free day after tomorrow to come to seoul for your Divorce case hearing. As documented.. I hope you wont create new peoblem. Please let me.and my brother live in peace', Jin said in stern voice making Hoseok eyes wet. He wanted to kill the person who made Tae being like that. But it's Hoseok. He knew Hoseok from childhood. Jin heart still wincing seeing Hoseok bleeding lip. How can he hurt more?


That's it?

Does Tae really want Divorce?

Hoseok gone dumb. If divorce is what Tae wants.. Thats okay. He can give it happily.

'Hyung.. But.' Tae tried to interrupt him. 'No need to pack your things Taehyung! It will take time. You guys can start now. I will pack and send all your things once we are divorced. Please lock the door while you leave', Hoseok said angrily wiping tears leaving into his room as if Tae is nothing for him.

Why should h bother when Tae is fine with it. He dont want to stay with Tae forcefully. Tae fell on the couch seeing Hoseok unbothered about the divorce. 'Bub! Why are you crying? Did he hurt you??', Jin hugged him. Tae is unable to respond. He tried in every possible way to get interest of Hoseok and he felt himself as failure. Tae took a deep breathe before asking Jin to leave from there.


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