🌸Broken 🌸

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The journey from Jin's home in the car is dead silent. No one .. even Jungkook dint expect himself to all the things which he said. Namjoon and Yoongi indeed shocked seeing Jungkook begging Jin like that. It was pathetic. They know there gonna be huge impact of what Jungkook did on Jungkook himself along with Jin.

The tears in Lisa's eyes is an additional impact. 'You take rest Jungkook. I will come evening!', is all Yoongi could say leaving Jungkook. He requested Jimin to stay with him as they are unaware of what Jungkook will do to himself if he was left alone. Jimin who is aware of the situation accepted silently. 'Will Chef Jin be alright?', Namjoon asked while returning.

'Joonie! Can I request you something', there is no expression in Yoongi's face. Namjoon nodded. 'What ever happens between me and Jin.. should not affect our relation', Yoongi said in serious tone. 'What are you planning Hyung?', Namjoon worried. Yoongi tightened his fist. 'His audacity to do this to Jungkook, I will fuck that attitude of him', Yoongi said starting the car. 'Hyung! Please don't do it. My brother...', 'Shut up Namjoon! I wont kill him okay? But, he is answerable for many things and he will', Yoongi stated. Namjoon worried seeing furious Yoongi. Yoongi is a kind of person who stays with no emotion in any kind of situations.. but Something is gonna change.

'Oppa!', Lisa voice is lower than her usual. Currently there are in Jin's cabin as Lisa asked him to show his office. Jin 'hmm'ed in response. 'Is Jungkook really a fling to you?', Ofcourse she is the reason for everything. But Jungkook is her best friend before all the shit. She wanted to take revenge but seeing Jungkook drastically collapse to a stage of begging Jin not to leave him left a scar in her heart. 'Ofcourse', Jin said in neutral tone. 'But.. he really liked you Oppa!', Lisa admitted honestly getting a death stare from Lisa. 'What's your point Ms.Manoban? You and your dad want to take revenge from Jungkook and again you are saying he really liked me? Do you actually think before talking?', Jin asked annoyingly.

'I know Oppa! It's my intention to hurt him is because he did hurt me. But.. I couldn't see him like that', Lisa expressed. 'Okay! What you want me to do now?', Jin asked finally. 'Nothing! I just wanted to start this relation with you on truth. I know you can't accept me heartfully after what my dad did to you. But.. Since we are in this same ship, please let's not hate eachother', Lisa requested. 'Look Ms.Manoban! I am a very practical person. I agree I have anger on your dad but.. I am able to seperate my relation with him and with you. Ofcourse I agree with you.. Marriage is something that need trust in it more than love. And.. I will try my best to be trustworthy and.. that doesn't means I am your puppet. I hope you understand it', Jin stated resuming his work. Lisa smiled. Ofcourse she is sad about Jungkook but.. all she wanted is a fair relation with someone. And after she got engaged to Jin.. having such good relation with Jin is a bliss for her.

'And.. when I said Jungkook is just a fling.. it's true. I wanted to escape from your dad due to my selfrespect. Not for him. Sometimes I wonder how people mistake fling for love', Jin said before attenting the video conference.


'You can go to Hotel Hyung! I am fine', Jungkook came to living room in the evening. He was unable to accept what Jin said and shed tears. He is just so shocked. He don't know what else to do. At evening he realised he should walk for a while to calm himself to think what to do. Difficulties, pains, Cryings are not new to Jungkook. In all his life he has faced just those. But.. once Jin entered he thought he too have right to be happy 'Umm.. I am not staying for you Jungkook. Umm.. I took sick leave', Jimin said shaping his toe nails. Jungkook smiled. He found Jimin peeping through door like 100 times, but Jimin dint want to showcase as if he pities him. Jungkook sat next to Jimin checking the nail paints Jimin spread on the coffee table.

'Umm.. Are you okay?', Jimin asked hesitantly. 'No', Jungkook said in low tone. 'You wanna talk?', Jimin asked side hugging Jungkook. Jungkook Nodded in agreement. 'I see no point even in crying Hyung!', Jungkook said still looking down. 'You have seen worst than this Gguk! I know you are brave to handle it', Jimin supported pulling him closer. 'I.. I don't want to be strong anymore hyung! Morning.. I wasn't strong. I am still shocked of my behaviour', Jungkook said leaning into the hug. 'When I was with my father... I have no hopes for life an I accepted every shit I came across hyung!', Jungkook slowly started tearing up.

'But.. Chef Jin came into my life. I started dreaming to fly. He.. he is my reason to fly Hyung! I dreamt alot from past 2 months and every dream includes him', Jimin could feel the wetness in his eyes.

'Now.. I don't even know what to think about. Am I .. Am I that simple Hyung? He got a good deal and I became worthless? Why hyung?', Jungkook sobs got louder. 'When my dad got a good deal, he tried to sell me to Manobans and when Chef Jin got a good deal, he sold our love in the name of engagement. What should I do hyung?', Jungkook couldnt stop and Jimin dint asked him to. Jimin knows that Jungkook need atleast a good cry to move on.

'Did Yoongi hyung said you something? I seriously find it illogical Hyung. Even before Lisa came this morning, he said that.. he likes my smile', Jungkook hit his head on to Jimin's shoulder. 'And just that she came.. he changed', Jimin felt so painful in heart seeing Jungkook like that. 'Tell me hyung! What did Namjoon or Yoongi said to you?', Jungkook asked again.

'Chef Jin got some lost wihle he is in Thailand. He almost got bankrupt and that's when Namjoon hyung went. They tried many ways for Financial assitance and Manoban's offered them along with Lisa', Jimin said what Namjoon told him. 'Money is what that decides our fate Jungkook', Jimin stated. 'I hope you should take some alone time to figureout your next step'. 'I already decided', Jungkook said in neutral tone. 'I already sent resignation to Yoongi Hyung', Jungkook said in stern voice making Jimin shock.

 'I already sent resignation to Yoongi Hyung', Jungkook said in stern voice making Jimin shock

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