🌸I am sorry🌸

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Once we done talking, we came out of the room to find all the three people. My dad bowed everyone and stopped near Jimin. He caressed Jimin's cheek. 'Thanks for taking care of my son', he spoke and Jimin smiled. But... he looked tense. 'I am... I am sorry Park jimin. I was... I was too rude', he bowed. Why is he apologizing Jimin? 'It's fine Uncle', Jimin smiled. My dad left after thanking everyone for taking care of me.

'Jiminie! Why his dad apologizing you?', Jin hyung is first to ask. He is too curious than me. I wanted to ask once everyone leave..

'Umm.. he hit Jimin once', Namjoon hyung responded.

'What?', Yoongi hyung screamed. What the hell? My dad hit him? Why?

'Umm.. It's long ago Hyung', Jimin tried to divert the topic.

'Why did my father hit you Jimin?', I inquired.

'Umm.. on the day when you ... when you first rebelled in your home that you like a guy and you dont want to marry Lisa..', Jimin said slowly. I remember that day. When I first talk to Chef Jin in person. I decided to rebel.

'Your dad thought I am the one who you like and... he came here and kicked me', Jimin said looking down. The images of Jimin with bandaids the next day appeared infront of my eyes.

'You said you fell while crossing the road. Is it that time?', I asked supressing my tears. Because I know he had many bandaids that day. Jimin nodded. I fell on ground on my knees. 'You have so many injuries. How did that happen?', I asked. 'Umm... he hit with hockey stick', fuck...he never said me. He never even showed his anger.

'Why dint you tell me Hyuuingg??', I cried feeling guilty. 'Ggukie!! I dint took to heart', he knlet infront of me  to comfort me. 'You were not in a good position to take all this bae! And I am sure he is guilty', he responded smiling. Why he has to take such pain in heart when he can shout at me or cut friendship with me? when I came out of the house, he is first to accommodate me. 'I am really sorry Hyung!', I said. I dont know I am too guilty. He smiled hugging me and getting up. 'Jungkook! I forgave your dad that day even without apology. May be that's why we are here today. Don't you think so? The timings we spend with each other, our Wine time, our gossips.. do you think all this are possible if I claim you accused?', he asked. I am still unable to digest it. 'Forgiving is for your own peace Gguk. Try forgiving someone. You can feel the happiness', he spoke. And I understood. He want me to forgive SeokJin. Bullshit.

I respect Jimin so much but, forgiving SeokJin is bound to my heart. I could have forgiven if he is my friend. But.. he is much more. He was everything to me. I took a deep breathe once Jimin left to kitchen. By observing the silence around me, I could say Jin wanted to do something. I sat on the couch next to Yoongi hyung when Jin came from Kitchen. What the hell is he doing in my Kitchen. I am not going to ask Jimin this question anyway. I thought he was passing by me but he stopped infront of me and, to my surprise he knelt keeping his palms over my knees strong enough for me to stand. Intelligent. I could feel tears in his eyes. 'Jungkook! I am sorry for what ever happend', he spoke. I wanted to slap him. I really wanted to. So I did.


Author PoV:

Everyone shocked to see Jungkook doing that except Jin. He still remained in same position not even flinching for the slap. 'You can hit me if you want. I know I messed us up for a lift time', he spoke calmly. 'Get Lost Kim Seok Jin!', he spoke going into his room. 'Sorry Jin! I dint expect him to do it', Jimin came apologizing to Jin. Jin smiled. 'I deserve it Jimin. It's okay. Atleast he vent out his anger. He will now stays in peace', Jin responded.

Jungkook's PoV:

'What the hell did I do?', I locked my door crying.  I know whatever happend is not his mistake. But I am too angry that I really wanted to kill him in the moment I saw him. I feel so suffocating in my room where he is not there. Shall I go and talk to him? What should I say? How could I hit him? Aishshshsh.. I opened the door not even after a minute wiping my tears to find everyone surrounded him. He sure has my hand printed on his cheek. I am such a fuckard. He looked sad. He looked lost. Just like me. And seeing me again, everyone became nervous. I know, I made my self a cruel person by hitting him. 'Excuse us everyone!', I said looking down and pulling him to my room without any further talking. And he came calmly. Once we entered our room I let his hand go as I am locking the door. I sat leaning to the door on the ground while he sat on the bed facing me.

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