🌸Hero 🌸

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'I am his husband. He is my husband... Husband.. Yes... We are married. Hoseokie hyung is my hero and he is my husband', Tae tightened his grip.

'I reject it. As a husband, my husband shared how this man abused him from childhood. Incase if you want, I will now file a case against him abusing his stepson and using law to do it now. I have CCTV live coverage in my mobile where its clearly recorded how you talked to my husband just now.

So.. lets meet in court. Not Korean court... where you can use your power and manipulate...but in Japanese court. Now you may leave. And... I will be filing case against you Mr.Jinyoung for coming to other country and trying to impose your power without proper permission from the country court or police. So.. please be ready to meet in Japanese court soon', Hoseok said.

Both of them dumbfounded and slowly left the place as its better not to mess more with him.

Hoseok wrapped his arms over Tae's arms on his waist pulling him more into hug. He could hear Tae sobbing behind. He felt relieved as Tae dint touch Tae.

'Taehyung! They are gone.. Are you okay?', Hoseok asked as slow as he could. The cruel tone he used for the dirty people is no more.

Tae started crying loudly making Hoseok smile.

He released Tae from him and turned around to find most painful view of Tae crying his heart out.

'Bubb.. I am here. I came... Dont cry.. Please!', Hoseok said politely placing his hands over the other's shoulder.

'Why did you *Hic* why did you left me alone *Hic*.. Dint my brother *Hic* asked you to take care of me *Hic*..How could you *Hic* leave me *Hic* alone?', Tae shouted while crying hitting Hoseok chest.

'Awee.. see this man.. Dear Angels of heaven... He is my so called husband... blaming and hitting me for saving him from bad people', Hoseok looked up and talked to invisible angels.

'And see my husband Angels... He left me alone in this home. He promised he will take care of me but.. he dint', Tae talked to same invisible angel.

'Alright.. I am sorryy... I am sorry.. ', Hoseok said holding his ears as apology. Tae dumbfounded thinking what he is doing. Instead of thanking the guy, he is sulking. Tears came newly again while broke into Hoseok's arms.

'I was so afraid..Mr.Jung... I felt like I have to... with that filthy man', Tae sobbed. It pained Hoseok alot.

'Taehyung... I am really sorry. I could have been more careful. Lets go in. The power is back', He said taking his husband inside.

Its been an hour since this happend and finally Tae became normal. They got fresh and Hoseok cooked for both and started eating in silence.

'Why did you come at that time Mr.Jung? Its unusual of you', Tae asking munching his food.

'Well.. You should shout on me for this too. I am in meeting with a filthy company who are my rivals and it's Yoongi hyung who made me run here. I dont know how to thank him for this favour. I should probably call him ', Hoseok said while eating.

'I am going to add 2 more security guard infront of our home', Hoseok said getting a little smile from the younger.

'Taehyung!! Can we talk ... Seriously', Hoseok asked completing his dinner. Tae nodded in understanding. They both cleaned kitchen and went to living room for the discussion.

'Taehyung! I know....the days are so harsh with you. I understand you dont like any of these. But.. Taehyung!', Hoseok held Tae's hand.

'I want you to accept whatever it is. I am not that bad', Hoseok said looking down.

'No Mr.Jung.. I am not angry with you.. I am sorry if I give you wrong signals.. I am so grateful for you. Really', Tae said keeping his other hand on Hoseok's hand which made Hoseok smile a bit.

'Thanks for saying it Taehyung. And.. What I am trying to say is... I am worried about you', Hoseok said. Tae what nodded unable to get what Hoseok means.

'Look! Its been a month. I dont know your daily routine back in Korea but.. could you see how you are now. Playing all the night and sleeping all the day. I admit that I only arranged those, but I dint expect you to spend your whole time on that. Do you even have any future plan?', Hoseok asked as polite as he could. He dont want Tae to feel bad.

'I... I am just trying to escape from reality.. I.. I dont have any future plan. Anyway I stay here temporarily. Why to make a plan for now', Tae said in sad tone.

'Are you seriously for real?' Hoseok asked taking back his hand.

'Look Taehyung! I got it you have no plan. So I will tell you mine. I want you to rejoin college here. You have just a half year course remaining and complete it here. Think that you came to Japan for your studies and you are staying in your brother's friend place for time being. In 6 months you will get a degree and we can get Divorce. Finally you can leave. Isnt it perfect?', Hoseok asked.

Tae dumbfounded. The moment he feel he should open up to Hoseok...there comes the divorce. This is the main reason why Tae avoided Hoseok from a month. Because... Hoseok talks just about divorce.

'Fine... I will talk to Jin Hyung to get me an admission here. Also... I will move to the campus... And lets meet while divorcing', Tae said standing up heading towards his play room.

'Come back right now Taehyung. I am not your hyung to take your whining', Hoseok shouted. He is angry. He wanted to just discuss something and Tae again started being brat. Tae flinched for the shout and stood where he was. Hoseok walked towards Tae and held him by collar.

'Listen Taehyung.. You like it or not... I am your husband for now. And what do you mean you will ask Jin for your admission. Am I dead here? I am talking very politely and you.. ', he released the collar as he can see tears in Tae's eyes.

'How can we stay together for half year if we cant even talk properly Taehyung?', This time Hoseok asked in pleading way. 'Why will you always stay angry. You looked fine till now and suddenly you are being brat again. Why?',

'Because.. I am burden to you.. You.. You want me to mind my own business so that you could stay in peace. Thats why you said right.. to start studying.. so that I will leave you alone... peacefully', Tae sobbed.

'My God! Taehyung... I asked you just for joining college. Even if you beg me.. I wont let you stay in Dorm. You have a big ass home here, why will you stay there? Taehyung.. I am really saying it for your future. It is never a burden for me. And I feel so happy to admit you myself.... as my husband. Cant you give me that right?', Hoseok asked cupping Tae's face.

A/N: And

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A/N: And... the DELICIOUS Journey begins.. Like it ??

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