🌸LisaKook 🌸

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'I am sorry', Tae sounded guilty. Jungkook remained silent. 'Ggukiee! Are you angry with me?', 'Ofcourse I am Tae! More than on any one I am angry with you. People saw me crying and collapsing here but only you are the one with whom I have the audacity to share my pain. You simply heard Tae! Imagine What if I did the same to you?', Eventhough Jungkook wanted to be serious he cant shout on Tae.

'Tell me one thing.. You guys made out infront of your Apartment at midnight 3:00 AM. Aren't you?', Jungkook startled to listen it from Tae. Will Jin share such things with his brother? But.. That's too personal? How could he? 'Umm.. Jin said so?', 'Nope... Christain Williban Said so', Tae's response made Jungkook confuse. 'You are under surveillance Jungkook. People have eyes on you. That's why even your unintentional move also got caught in Camera. Hoseokie Hyung saw that picture. That is why my brother and husband decided not to involve you. It's danger for every one. Please understand Gguk. I know you are leaving to Italy. I am not saying to forgive him right away. But.. Stop thinking negatively. He lost too much Jungkook. I saw him 2 days after Hoseokie hyung saved him and I collapsed right away. It was so hard for him but he endured all not to give up on you', Tae's words made Jungkook cry.

'Alright! I will think of it. But.. Can you be My bitch for a while?', Jungkook asked seriously making Tae laugh. 'Tell me.. What should I do?', Tae asked. 'You just shut your mouth. Let your brother come to me. I need some time to process all this anyway. I cant clear in my heart suddenly Tae. I am not breaking up with him. But Dont you dare tell him that we talk all this', Jungkook warned and Tae promised. 'Anyway.. I have something to do in your brother's hotel today. Make sure he is there when I go there. Lisa too..',

'What you gonna do?', Tae tensed over that statement. 'Just.. make sure they both are there.. I will call you soon. And.. if you leak this.. this is our last time talking', Jungkook warned disconnecting the call.

'Ouuuchch...', Tae whined in pain as lip became a big bruise which he dint expect. He tried applying some oil but it even increased more. With the help of his driver Dal he went to near by clinic.

'Did you fell down?', The doctore asked and Tae nodded nervously.

'It's not looking like that. I wonder how you injured it. By the way what did you apply?', he asked and Tae showed the cream he apllied. The doctor checked it facepalming.

'Yah! Are you even a student? It's expired a year ago. That's why it kept on bruising', Tae was afraid and wanted to call Hoseok right away. But he dint dared to do that.

'Actually it seems that your injury was small. The expired cream made it worse. Dont worry. I will clean and dress it. Please take care while eating or drinking. I will inject you Antibiotic and Anti septic. Please Visit two days once', he informed.

'By the way Doctor... Umm.. I recently sprained my ankle. I got it checked while I was in home. Can you please check ', Dal who is listening all these was frightened too much. Bruise in lip, sprain in ankle. He wanted to talk to Tae.

'Tae-ssi!', Dal called Tae while Tae opening car door to go out. Doctor checked the ankle and said since he walked too much on the sprain it will pain again. So he dressed it with a supporting strap and asked to take bed rest atleast for a week. Tae went to College submitting his assignments and informing respectibve faculty about his leave since he felt it too worse to do anything physically amd mentally.

'Yeah Dal!', Tae stopped opening the door. 'I am sorry if I am interfering toomuch but... Can I know how you injured too much?', he asked in obidient way. 'Its... its an accident Dal. Dont worry. I will be fine', Tae assured.

'Did... did Hoseok sir Hit you?', Dal asked and Tae dumbfounded. Was it looking like that. 'I am so sorry Tae-ssi! Hoseok sir is too good. He never lay his hand on anyone. He is too pure. I am sure he dint intentionally did that. Please dont hate him', Dal said making Tae chuckle.

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