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Tae's PoV:

I became completely wasted now. The flight journey is 11 hours. It's not the journey that bothered me. It's not our jet. I assumed I can cuddle my husband in journey. Ofcourse we are in Business class. But still.. It wont have bedroom as our jet. I know I am being toomuch. But.. I really want my husband to touch me. Ofcourse we kissed often. But.. I needed more.

And once we landed, as per the tour package we have this shitty guide that hotel provided as a booking gift and he never left us for a second. Huff. People come here for honeymoon and this guide thinks we came for seeing the Beauty of Bali.

Ofcourse we want to see it. But.  let us have our time first. I think my husband understood what's going on in my head. He informed the guide that we have to rest after long journey and will go opt for guide if needed and sent them off.

The moment we checked in our hotel and took the room key, I am getting all the supressed feelings again. We are alone again. Ofcourse we are alone from past 7 months. But.. this is different. Once we stepped into lift he pulled me towards him wrapping his hand around my waist.

Okay.. I expected more. But.. he is too humble sometimes. 'Are you still afraid?', he asked in whispering tone. 'No...', can I make little bold statement? 'I am not afraid. I am .. excited', I responded. Why is it so hard to explain my heart to him. I forgot to breathe dissolving in his eyes. He smiled for my little response. I want to tell him to make love with me right now. But.. it will sound so bad isn't it??

Once we opened the door, my husband picked the Do Not Disturb sign board to hang outside. Is he thinking same. Are we going to make love? My heart is pounding out of excitement.

He has an unreadable smile in his face. May be, this is how he looks when he is excited. 'Can we get fresh? It's been long journey', I asked. He nodded. Suddenly we feel like we are out of words. We usually talk alot. But ... may be we want to talk something new and the silence is beginning of it.

I picked my outfit I prepared for the evening. Thanks to Jungkook who packed my honeymoon sitcase before leaving. He is too sweet. It's very beautiful evening and We planned just to rest on the first day here. It looks like it is about to rain. Once I pick my outfit and about to go to washroom, he held my wrist pulling me towards him. He slowly wraped his arms around my waist.

'You said.. We should get fresh together', he spoke kissing my nape. I have goosebumps on my body. Did I say that?. 'Umm.. I.. I dint say it', I spoke unable to form words.

'Okay. I am asking then. Can we bathe together', he tightened the grip. How can he ask such things? I am too shy to respond. 'I thought.. I thought we will just rest today', I responded being to shy to bathe with him.

He loosen the grip. 'Just for today', he spoke taking his outfit and leaving for another bathroom in Living room. I smiled for his obedience. And I an curious to see how it will be if he disobeys.

I took my time to clean myself. I am completely ready for whatever ia going to come. I don't know what if I will be too shy when he starts it tonight. Will he make a move?

I think Jungkook selected something comfy for me. In past 1 week, Jimin and Jungkook are too happy about my love. They sent me lots of gifts which they mentioned I should where when me and Hoseok goes out on vacation.

Jungkook packed almost everything they sent me since I was too busy to buy new clothes.

'Woah!', What the... I like the dress but.. where are pants? I picked one dress which Jungkook especially mentioned to wear on my first night while my honeymoon. I dint check it afront. It's just a top upto mid thighs. No wayy... What the hell he meant first night anyway? I immediately called him.

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