🌸Settlement 🌸

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Author PoV
2 weeks later

'Hello guys! Hello Lady Lisa! Is everything Okay?', Hoseok greeted everyone in the video conference. Jin met Mr.Manoban explaining his situation in his Hotel as he is no more Chair person. Mr. Manoban had some meetings, threatening sessions with Yoongi but of no use. In reverse, Yoongi took restrain order from court that any person from Manoban Industries should not contact him or his staff as they are mentally harassing him. Failing every possibility, Manoban decided to talk to Hoseok, who may provide some neutral solution as he really trusted him over the previous meetings. 'I hope my secretery explained the situation with you. Can you.. can you do something?', Manoban asked Hoseok massaing his temples.

'I am so sorry to hear this Mr.Manoban. I tried to talk to Yoongi hyung but he changed totally', Hoseok said in sad tone. 'Hoseok! We dint call you for your sorry, cant you suggest some idea?', Jin pleaded clearly frustrated of all these. 'Oppa ! Calm down. It gonna be alright', Lisa consoled. 'I know hyung! I think Hyung has more respect on me. He accepted to attend meeting with you guys for settlement. You guys tell me if you have any special requests. I will ask them on your behlaf', Hoseok said. 'Ohh! Really. We couldn't even reach him. He accepted for settlement?', Christain explaimed. 'Umm.. We are friends Mr.Christain. That's why', Hoseok smiled. 'We have no special requests. Ask his condistions and say will will think and respond back', Manoban stated getting a nod from Hoseok before connecting Video call with Yoongi.

'Hoseok! I have no intentions to talk to any of those fuckards', Yoongi said lazily. 'Don't cross your..', Manoban tightened his fists. 'Yah! Shut up! you are too loud. I hate to see people like you who hurted my Jungkook', he mumbled. 'Hyung! let's not mingle personal things with business. Please return whatever you took from Jin hyung! You know how hard he did worked for it. Don't you think it's back stabbing?', Hoseok said in pleading tone. 'What do you mean not to mingle personal and professional things? He broke with my Jungkook, just because he got good deal with Manobans. Dint he did the same?', Yoongi shouted. 'That's my personal Yoongi!', Jin shouted back unable to explain. 'Yoongi-ssi! What happened is happend. Will you do the same if I am your sister?', Lisa asked keeping sad face.

'I do have a little brother and he got hurt because of your fiancee. I really have no intentions to hurt you Jin! I am serious. You broke his innocent heart into pieces. You dint even apologized to him. And see with whom you got engaged. The same girl who Jungkook was engaged once. How lame?', Yoongi laughed sarcastically. 'Hyung Seriously? Is Jungkook that important to you?', Hoseok shouted unable to see where it is going. 'Ofcourse he is', Yoongi shouted back. 'Then why did you say, you are okay for settlement, when all you want is your revenge?', Hoseok asked in irritating tone. 'Because, I can do settlement and take revenge at a time', Yoongi said calmly. 'What are your conditions?', Chriastain asked.

'I wont settle with you. I dont even know why Jin hyung is making it infront of them', Yoongi cutoff Christain. 'Okay! Tell me. I am doing it here, because these people are the only one who stood for me in this situation', Jin said looking into Lisa's eyes. 'Whatever. 1st condition. A bond that I cannot be fired for anyreason for 15 years', Yoongi stated. 'You know I wont do that Yoongi', Jin stated. 'I could do that. Then you will too. So.. What say?', Yoongi asked. 'You tell all your conditions. We will document it and respond back if we are okay with that', Manoban stated. '10% hike for me every year', 'Noted', Jin started listing the points. '3rd condition. You should formally apologize Jungkook', Yoongi said. Jin nodded silently listing it in his notepad.

'Final one. You guys can have business relations, but.. Jin and Lisa should break the engagement', Yoongi said calmly smirking. 'You are out of the limits MIN YOONGI !', Hoseok shouted slamming the table. 'We don't want this deal. You can disconnect now', Hoseok said. 'Fine.. This offer is valid just for today. There is no 2nd thought of settlement again. Think and decide', Yoongi said disconnecting.

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