🌸Rain Dance🌸

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A while ago he is happy as the elder pulled him to terrace.. then he cried as he felt ignored.. and now he is excited to dance with the elder. Tae definitely know that the man infront of him is influencing his heart.

'Well.. May I?', Hoseok offered his hand and Tae definitely deosn't hesitated to give him.

'Look into my eyes... and follow my instructions.. I am a really good teacher', Hoseok sais in calm tone. Tae nodded offering his hand.

'So.. Salsa is all about.. enjoying the companionship. A dance together to ease the heart', Hoseok explained holding both the hands of younger.

Hoseok often got thoughts if is it really needed to be open with a stranger this much. But he shoved off the thoughts.

'Being together.. in Dance language means....Holding eachother... delicately', Hoseok took Tae's hands on both sides of his waist and he kept his over the shoulders of the man.

'It's not mandatory or fixed on where you hold the other.. It depends on the mood, comfort and necessity', Hoseok explained as good trainer he is.

'Also... the change in the way you hold the other is also a cutest move in dance. Let's do that now', Hoseok said removing his hand from the shoulder and taking Tae's one arm keeping it on his shoulder and keeping his arm over the boy shoulder. 

He kept his other hand over the boy's waist making Tae hitch his breathe. Hoseok delicately pulled the boy towards him.

'One step front..', Hoseok said stepping back so Tae could step front

'And One step back..', Hoseok stepped front and Tae stepped back.

'And one step left and one step right', Tae followed the instruction.

He dont want to loose the first impression.

'And... bend over..', Hoseok kicked Tae's leg lightly making Tae fall over him with widen eyes.

'And the last is...bend back', Hoseok dint care the expression Tae gave and pulled the boy's waist towards him bending Tae backwards while Hoseok leans on him front.

'6 moves.. Can we do again?', Hoseok is so drdicated and Tae decided not to slay away by his feelings.

'Front.. and back and left and right and ', This time Tae pulled Hoseok waist himself and then made Hoseok to lean on him himself.

And he liked it.  No ... they liked it.

'And the next move', Hoseok said holding Tae's left hand with his right hand stretching both his arms.

'You have to rotate yourself...', Hoseok said rotating himself towards Tae, making him wrap his  arm aroung Hoseok's waist and bent back lifting his right leg posing salsa.

'So... this is one of the easiest salsa pose', Hoseok said showing it.

'Now you try it', Hoseok said going back to the position holding Tae's hand firmly.

Tae is completely immersed in the moment. He did just as Hoseok said landing himself in the man's arms lifting his one leg hovering the male's waist...frozen.

The urge to feel the moment made Tae froze there. He felt it so right. Dancing in the arms of the complete stranger whom he met 2 months ago, is giving him the portion of affection he always starved for.

Not lust... not desire..  but the affection is the only word he want to use. It's not that Taehyung never got touched by any.. It's just.. its in the form of groping... abusing.. hitting..

But what Hoseok is doing.. is completely new to him. Handling delicately as if Tae is some china glass yet Handling firmly to make sure Tae can feel the touch.

It's not just Tae who frozen in that pose. Hoseok also couldn't collect himself. Looking into some one who is delicate isn't new to Hoseok. But... this feels so beautiful. The man in his arms making Hoseok imagine things he never though he would again.

'Can we do it again?', Hoseok asked almost whispering looking into the man eyes. Tae could just nod and pull himself out of the firm grip.

'It's.. Brizzling...', Tae found little raindrops started to pour as if the gods of sky are happy to witness them.

'Thats more better. Salsa in rain... Can we?', His heart isn't allowing him to miss the moment. Tae nodded with smile going back to position.

'Lets make the moves little fast this time', Hoseok said keeping his hand on the waist of the boy very comfortable this time.

As the speed increased, the heart rate increased. The bounced, twerled to make the dance more fun in rain. It is slipeery but the hand grip of the two is more strong as if they never wanna let it go. They danced continously until Tae had to give up due to out of breathe ending himself after a twirl in Hoseok arms... this time intentionally hugging him keeping his face over the neck of the elder breatheing heavily. By the time they ended in each other arms the rain stopped making the boys halfwet.

Hoseok unintentionally placed his arms  around the boy who is now panting in the elder's neck.

Being in each other arms feel so perfect as if their arms are made for each other. Taehyung can strongly say the neck crook of Hoseok is his favourite comfort place now. The arms around him made him feel secure. Tae .. unintentionally moved his hands to pull the younger closer.

It might be the rain effect.. or the exhaustion due to the dance or the urge to claim the man or the necessity to be touched my another man.. Taehyung doesnt know. All he know was..he can stay in the hug until Hoseok pulls him out. He is certain of his attraction towards the male.

Meanwhile Hoseok is just in awe. Trying to figure out if Tae is still exhausted or if he is sad or if he too stunned to pull away. Also his grip on the younger is never less. He wanted to pull away ifthe younger pulls him away... just like the thought of Tae. The moment Tae caressed his hands on Hoseok's back, Hoseok decided not to step back and to reach whereever the destiny takes them to.

Not able to stay still he stepped front a little and tightening the hug and lifting his head a little to let Tae settle on his neck crook and closed his eyes peacefully to let rain drain them.


The lift opening sound made them to drift apart finding the cleaning servant who informed that she completed her work and leaving. They both were shocked of their position. They need more. But they cant admit it to each oher. They behaved as if nothing happend hiding eachother's glances. But.. there is one thing that they couldnt stop doing. Their hands automatically interlocked once they pulled out of hug.

Tae and Hoseok left with her in the same lift with heavy feelings hands still interwined but pretended as if they dint know they interwined their hands. They pulled off their own hands only after coming out of lift.

'Please dry yourself before resuming Taehyung. I will be back in a minute', Hoseok said and left leaving the half wet boy alone.

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