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A/N: As I promised.. Mass publishing .. May be after 2 weeks I do one more mass publish and will bid farewell to this baby. I actually want3d to bid farewell in one go. But.. Ahh.. I am too sick from a week. So I thought lets publish upto what I completed.  Please Enjoy.. Also Please Vote on every chapter..It boosts me to complete this As soon as possible. Also.. I love to know what you feel about my book. Please do comment if you like it. Love you all...

'You want me to talk Dirty?', Tae blushed turning towards his husband in the lap.

'Not really... Let's talk delicious', Hoseok winked.

'Isn't it same?', Tae pouted.

'Haha! Yes and No. I actually want to know secrets of you which you think you can share with me', Hoseok said going back to cuddling position. Tae nodded. 'Umm.. No need to answer if you dont like..', Hoseok assured before starting.

'You said even if close people touches you in private areas you had slapped unintentionally. Who is that?', Hoseok's question made Tae shock. 'You... You remember each and every word I say?','Ofcourse...That day I dint feel okay to ask. But I am curious.Why will some one touch you and who is it??', Hoseok asked.

'Umm..... That's... ', Tae said facing towards his pillow unable to answer. 'Come on Tae!! Please say it', Hoseok pleaded.

'Hhyuunng!!! Ummm its not so important. But I want you to just listen and ignore. Will you?', Tae asked cupping his husband face. 'I had a friend whom I was so close with. I asked him to do that. Because I was too touch sensitive. I wanted to know how severe it is. And he accepted it. But... Once he tried to touch me behind I....', 'Dont say something that I will cry', Hoseok mumbled. 'I slapped him so hard that he broke his wisdom tooth', that information made Hoseok laugh.

'Serves him right though. I should be alert. I dont want to break my wisdom tooth', Hosoek teased. 'But who is he... Dont say that it's Jimin', His words made Tae chuckle. 'Why do you think it might be  Jimin by the way?', 'He seems like that.. He can make anyone on his feet. See he made Yoongi and your brother devote him',Hoseok smiled.

'Don't say thatt.. He is really good. And.. Its was you who once said that I should not judge him because of it', Tae said in pout.

'Okayy... Next question',

'Isnt it single question?', Tae pouted again.

'I gonna ask you until I have no other questions left', Hosoek kissed his bae.

'Do you ever... touched yourself?', Hoseok asked tracing his hand over younger waist. Tae nodded in little. 'How many times?', Tae has shock in eyes. 'I... I never did count. But.. I dont know if you think its bad but.. I do it often', Tae said in small tone. 'Yet you restrict me', he pinched Tae's waist making him flinch. 'Umm.. Can I extend this question?', Hoseok hesitated. Tae nodded. He is ready to open up to his husband.

'After our marriage did you ever?',

Tae remained silent for a while before nodding yes. 'when did you first did it?', Hoseok asked again. 'On the day of our mock test where I won', Tae said hiding himself in Hosoek's chest. 'The day I first hugged and Kissed you?', Hoseok asked happily and Tae nodded.

Unbelievable. There is a warmth in Hosoek's heart. The effect he has on Tae felt proud. 'I love you!', Hoseok mumbled. 'I am happy about what you said', Hoseok hugged Tae. 'So... do you.. umm.. f-fingered yourself?', 'NO', Tae responded immediately. 'I... was afraid of it. It... It gives me chills even to think', Tae said.

'Fine.. I wont force you', Hoseok calmed.

'Hyung!! Can I ask you the samething?', Tae said in hesitation and Hosoek nodded with smile. 'I know.. I am not your first.. but.... do you ever t-touched yourself after our marriage', 'Frankly... No.. I was too sad after our marriage and I really have no hopes. But...', Hoseok pulled Tae closer feeling his breathe on his chest.  'I am doing it from the day we returned from seoul after court hearing. It's Kinda made me feel I can have  such thoughts about you.  These days I often dream and desire of you So.. I touch myself atleast once a day', Hoseok said winking.

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