🌸The 😘 End🌸

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My heart raced millions times more than actual once we stepped in court to special cabin where judge wanted to talk with just us. 'Hyung... You should say you like me. Dont think about any mean things I did. And I really dint bite you intentionally yesterday. If he ask you if you are subjected to domestic voilence you should say no. I really dint do that intentionally. You were stopping me from my orgasm and I quite... Cant control', I know it's lame, but I should warn him. Since I really want this to finish as soon as possible. 'Baby...I know... we are going in and we tell him that we dont want divorce anymore and we will come out. It's as simple as that. Please don't worry', he tried to make me less worried.

'So.. Kim Taehyung-ssi and Jung Hoseok -ssi. 6 months turned pretty fast', why is the judge being so friendly. Hoseok nodded and I clutched my fingers with his. 'So.. I will be granting divorce as you wished 6 months ago', is he insane? He is about to sign the papers.

'NO... Your honour!! No... We love each other. We are about to adopt two babies. I love my husband so much. Please dont', I almost cried. This bitch of judge started smiling. 'Fine.. Hoseok-ssi! Do you wanna say anything?', 'No sir..  I love my husband so much. And thanks for not granting divorce last time. It helped us to understand and love each other. We dont want divorce', he spoke. My husband is cool when he talk to people obideintly. 'On a condition', he smirked. Why the hell this judge is eating more footage of my life. 'Sorry?', fine... I will let my husband deal. I am not going to talk or think. It's so tiresome. I miss my babygirl. Fine... I miss my baby boy also. It's been 2 days I visited them. I miss my baby girl pulling my hair with her cute little hands and My little boy punching in my tummy.

'I want to have lunch with you two', he spoke. 'And.. dont worry.. Lunch is on me. I am not calling for asking for a bribe', he chuckled. Why in the earth a judge want to eat with us. Does he have eyes on my husband? Huff.. Let him deal. 'Okay sir... Our pleasure', he smiled. Woahh.. My hubby smile is so cute. But I hate it when he smile for other people.

'Why did you accepted it?', I spanked his butt once we got the divorce cancelling certificate. ahh.. I should stop hitting him. What if the judge see and think I am doing domestic voilence. 'Its okay baby. As long as we are together. I think he wanted to talk to us in private.',He responded rubbing his butt. I should rub it. Huff.. my horny ass.  What I have done if I dont have such intelligent and sexy husband next to me?

'So... Kim. Taehyung ssi!!', Judge spoke while we have a casual chat while having starters. 'I am sure you don't remember me',. he smiled. What? Do I know him? Does he know me? 'Sorry... umm..Do you know my husband out of court?', Hoseok asked.

'Yeah... How is your whole hand tattoo friend by the way?', he smirked. Who in the hell is he??

'Umm.. soryy..I dont remember you. And yes.. His name is Jungkook and he is good', I tried to be polite. 'Fine J-U-N-G-H-O-S-E-O-K  10 letter name is too big isn't it? It might take 10 days to engrave on your wrist. Isn't it? ', he winked. fuck.... I remember him now. Aishshshh.... this bloody old man..

'Sorry..  Can you please tell it clearly', Hoseok looked anxious. How the hell is that funky old man a judge. 'My son owns a tattoo shop. I often spend my time there. I enjoy watching my son work. Since I like his art and talent. That's where I met your husband and his whole hand tattoo friend. He had all his tattoos in our place', he spoke. Please dont spill it.. Ahhhh...Please dont.....

'One time your husband came to have the tattoo... of name JUNG HOSEOK', he smiled. I know..My husband gonna tease me life long. 'But 10 letters is too big so... he wanted to have one letter a day', he laughed making Hoseok smile and me to facepalm..

'But the moment the needle was about to touch his hand, he made a very big mess of the place, broken things out of fear..ahhh what not. Hahha... he cried his heart out since he is too afraid but still wanted to have the tattoo', he gave unnecessary information. 'And he continued coming to our place continuosly for a week and repeated same thing', now its time Hoseok looked serious.

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