🌸YoonMinJoon-1 🌸

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Once Namjoon left to upstairs Jungkook slowly entered to Jin's room where they first made out to find the cutest view of Jin Sleeping hugging his knees in his cute Pajamas which Jungkook never witnessed before. Jungkook smiled and reached the bed after locking the door. Not that Jin is unaware of the fact that Jungkook came in.

He just dint want to react. Jungkook slowly lay on the free side of bed cuddling Jin Kissing his nape from behind. 'Finally I got some time with you', Jungkook whispered peppering Nape kisses. 'Are you that tired Hyungie?', Jungkook tried to awake Jin. He clearly knows that Jin wont fall asleep keeping Jungkook in his house just like that.

'Jungkook', Jin's voice is cracked. Jungkook 'hmm'ed in response. 'I am tired', Jin said in weak voice. He can't throw away the younger just like that. 'You want me to make you relax. I still remember the task you gave me to do once you return can I?', Jungkook tightened his hug. He missed Jin too much and he is ready to pour all his love to the elder as much as Jin want. Jin got tears remembering how intimate they were while leaving apart and how distant they became just like that. 'Can you please leave now', Jin said in stern voice making Jungkook shock.

'Umm.. Do you really want me to leave?', Jungkook wanted to confirm. Jin always said that seeing into Jungkook's eyes he can energise just like that. Even though they just had call twice.. Jin wanted to look into Jungkook eyes the whole night. Eventhough Jungkook suggested him to sleep, Jin never did sleep. He loved to see Jungkook. How come Jungkook can be burden now. 'We will meet later Gguk!', Jin said not to hurt him more now. Jungkook smiled for overthinking. 'I am a dumbie hyung! You are going through a lot and I am expecting ...I dont know what? I am sorry.. I will leave now. I will come tomorrow morning. We will go to Hotel together', Jungkook smiled not to discourage himself and not to create new stress for Jin. He is already having many. 'No need Jungkook. We can meet in Hotel directly', Jin cut him off.

'I dont want you to drive and I dont trust Namjoon's driving. No Arguments Hyung! I am coming early morning tomorrow. Whenever you wanna start you can', Jungkook smiled Kissing Jin's cheek in little unable to stop himself. Jin remined silent. Jungkook understood that Jin is not going to stop him from leaving and returned from there with pale smile.


'Umm.. How come you are here?', Namjoon confused seeing Yoongi infront of his flat. Yoongi is quick to capture the lips of the tall boy kissing him as deeply as he could standing on his toes to reach the height of Namjoon. Namjoon smiled in the kiss lifting the short boy making Yoongi wrap his legs around Namjoon's waist. Namjoon continued kissing him until they reach bedroom.

'You miss me?', Namjoon smiled placing Yoongi on bed. 'Not just me', Yoongi said pulling Namjoon towards him kissing his neck. 'But that chick dint even come to see me', Namjoon pouted unbuttoning Yoongi's shirt. 'He is on the way', Yoongi said flipping their positions sitting on Namjoon, grinding his ass. 'My glossy baby! I really missed your nipples', Namjoon said grabbing Yoongi sucking his nipples. 'I miss you Joonie! mhmh', Yoongi moaned.

Namjoon felt happy. He internally was afraid that in his absence both Yoongi and Jimin will forget about him. But seeing Yoongi this Horny he is happy. 'I love you Hyung!', Namjoon responding while sucking. 'How is your ass?', Namjoon said spanking Yoongi on his ass. Yoongi is a horny mess from the moment he entered the room.

'Daddy should check if my ass is good or not', Yoongi responding kissing the muscular man's lips devouring the taste which he missed alot. 'I love you Joonie! and I really missed you so much', Yoongi almost has tears in eyes. Namjoon kept Yoongi on bed with concernful eyes. 'Is everything fine?', Namjoon asked carassing the Elder's cheeks.

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