🌸Jindependence 🌸

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Taehyung grew impatient hobbling across the Home Office of Hoseok where Hoseok is having this meeting. He definitely understood that it went well as he could hear Hoseok speaking. But he quite cant get it as he plugged in head phones. Hoseok messaged Tae that Everything is Alright and Documentation is going on. Tae, obviously understand the need of attention Hoseok required while doing it as it may turn in anyway, even if a tiny point is missed.

Hoseok insisted he will type the document and send it to them as a mediator. Manoban called the Government Officals to stamp and legalise it. One side, Christain still doubt the whole thing happening. But, at the end he is glad that his grand daughter need not to marry a gay.  Ofcourse Thailand is completely LGBTQ+ friendly place. And in person, Christain do respect the rights they have. Even he helped his son-in-law to tie a knot with a Gay or Bi-sexual, his heart dint accept it from the starting. The reality was quite clear infront of him that, it's a forced marraige. And he doubted Jin's ability to Love Lisa as wife after treating him that bad.

So, the scenario of getting proven that Jin is incapable of taking his grand daughter and the indeed shocking truth that, once Manoban called off the engagement, Lisa silently went to his dad instead of fighting as she did for Jungkook made him believe that, Lisa dint whole heartedly accept Jin, but she is just trying not to be a bitch to leave him once his position is gone. He indeed tried to convince Manoban not to force someone to marry his daughter even when it's about Jungkook. Being in a Gay friendly country, Christain can understand that his grand daughter can't get any love from Jungkook if he is gay. But Lisa was so stubborn saying, it's Jungkook's lame excuse.

The government offical read out all the clauses from the document Hoseok mailed them asking everyone's consent. Once completed Hoseok digitally signed the document and the people in the meeting room signed on that. Once done, the offical stamped it keeping the original with him photo copying couple of sets to Hoseok, Jin and Manoban and Williban.

Once the offical was about to read the final Document he unplugged the head phones signalling Tae to come in and listen sitting behind the Camera without making any noise. Tae immediately started recording it to send it to others who couldn't witness it.

'Document number 1.

1st Party  - Mr.Manoban,
2nd Party - Mr. Kim Seokjin.

As per the now officalised document, and the prior Document of the Engagement Bond, 1st Party has broken their engagement with 2nd Party  and as a compensation, willfully Mr.Manoban will be stepping down as CEO  of Manoban Industries making Ms.Lisa Manoban as the Chairperson. As per the Request, 2nd Party allowed 1st Party to be operative CEO for 3 months to teach Lisa the work and also allowed to be Business Instructor for his daughter.

Please Comment if any of the people physically or virtually existing here has any correction or Problem',

Tae smiled understanding that his brother got freed from all the shit.

'Alright! Document Number -2.

1st Party - Mr.Christain Williban,
2nd Party - Mr. KimSeokJin. 


As per the officially signed Document, 1st party himself announce his retirement to the Board of Williban Industries and annouce 2nd Party as Chairperson of Williban Industries, Thailand.

In order to incorporate the new and huge changes, 3 months time has been given to 1st Party to complete his functioanlties and to announce 2nd party as CEO of Williban Insustries.

Clause -2 .

As per the officially signed Document, 1st Party offers 25% of his shares to 2nd Party along with the CEO position.

Please Comment if any of the people physically or virtually existing here has any correction or Problem',

Tae starting dancing hearing it rhythamically making Hoseok supressing his smile.

'Final Document',

Tae got bored already. How many more are there.

'Document Number -3.

1st Party Mr. Christain Williban,
2nd Party Mr. Jung Hoseok',

Tae confused sighing what bond Hoseok was binded into. Hoseok signalled him to relax with his eyes. Tae is curious now.

'As per the officially signed Document, 1st Party offers 25% of his shares to 2nd Party as a Thanks giving for Fair Mediation for the prior Documents.

Please Comment if any of the people physically or virtually existing here has any correction or Problem',

Tae clapped in little  showing his boxy smile knowing that Hoseok has been benefited from these things. He is literally waiting for the call to get cut so that he call exclaim his happiness.

The final wordings took place for some more minutes before finally disconnecting the call. Once Hoseok stepped out, he could find his husband running towards him. Without any further thought, Hoseok stretched his arms welcoming the younger into him. Tae ran towards Hoseok jumping over him wrapping his legs around his husband.

Well, Hosoek Expected just a hug. And he is more than Okay to carry his husband in hug. Hoseok tightly griped over Tae's Thighs to balance him while Tae is not even thinking what position he is in.

'Ohh.. I am too happyyy.. You are real Hero Hyuuunggg! I was never interested in Business deals and documents, but you are a Fucking hero to make such deals. Oh Goddd!!! You are too awesome', Tae exclaimed rocking his legs in air, unable to understand how to show his happiness.

Hoseok laughed for the comments. Indeed he is too happy. 'We both will fall down, if you jump like that Tae!', Hoseok laughed moving towards the couch, sitting on it facing Tae.

The joy Tae has till now faded as he now understood what he did. He was now in Hoseok's lap facing him legs around the waist of his husband, Hands wrapeed around the neck. As if... As if they are about to make love. Even after they stopped smiling, Tae dint move from there. He want to know what Hoseok will do if he dint get up. 'Come close', Hoseok words made Tae skip all the remaining beats his heart have.

A/N: I am shy🙈

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A/N: I am shy🙈

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