🌸The truth🌸

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Once they reached hospital, Hoseok hugged Tae tightly before entering into the special VIP Room which has been partitioned into 2. Tae had goosebumps for the hug. Its not romantic. Tae knows that. He is sensing the upcoming bad. The moment he saw Namjoon on the couch next to the closed curtained partition of the room, his heart dropped into his stomach.

Tae stepped slowly towards Namjoon who stood calm waiting for Tae to reach him. Its obvious now. The actions of Hoseok last night are understandable now. No... it should not be his brother. The blood stain on his husband shirt the previous night made him more nervous.

'Say that its not Jin Hyung inside', Tae asked Namjoon with tears. 'He..  he is alright', Namjoon tried to console. 'Ehat happend??? Can I... Can I see him?', Tae has no dare to see. But he has to. Its his Jin Hyung. His life. His Santaclause. His Miracle.

Hoseok approched near pulling Tae into his arms and walked him towards the closed sky color curtains revealing the most pathetic sight of Jin on bed. He has dressing almost on each part. His hand has been folded and hanged around his neck as if he has a breakage of Bones in hand. Also one of the leg has been hanged little up with a stuffed up bandage since there is a fracture on leg.

Tae closed his mouth not wanting to wake up Jin who is sleeping with snores. Ofcourse.. he couldnt sleep from very long time. 'You wanna come out for a while?', Hoseok whispered and Tae nodded unable to move his eyes from his injured brother.

Once they came out locking the door Tae broke down on the floor. 'Why I was kept in darkness? My brother is suffering like this and I have no idea about it', Tae cried. Hoseok stood silent. Tae has to let it out. Hoseok still couldn't conclude if he should let Tae know about the contract or not.

After 5 minutes of shedding tears he stood up holding Hoseok's collar. 'Aren't you my husband?', Tae shouted. Hoseok has nothing in response to say. 'Aren't we supposed to talk with each other about  every fucking thing? How could you...he is ... he is my everything you stupid', Tae sobbed again.

'Tae calmdown bubb!', Namjoon pulled  him into hug. 'He dont want to hurt you when you yourself are in trouble. Thats why he dint say anything until you came here', Namjoon said.

Well.. Hoseok is still struck with the blame Tae gave him. Husband... Husbands are supposed to share.. Are they really husbands now....like for real???

'Tell me what's actually going on.. How did he met with such accident?', He asked wiping his tears. Yes!!! They are husbands. They should have no secrets.He should not keep his husband in darkness. He sat next to Tae explaining everything making Tae cry even more.


'Hyung!! I really feel we should make Jungkook aware of it. You guys dont know how much he can influence Lisa. I dont know how she became cruel. But let Jungkook talk to Lisa. He will and he can handle it', Tae tried to make Namjoon and Hoseok to accept his words.

'Things are not that easy now Tae! Now.. Ball is not in Lisa's court as before. Its his dad and grand father. 30 Chefs are still under them. They said they will leave them only after engagement with a Non Disclosure Agreement. They have eagle eye on Jungkook. It will make his life also risky', Hoseok tried to make Tae understand the severity. Tae nodded in agreement.

He simply leaned on his husband clutching his hand with Namjoon all eyes on Jin crying. 'They will endure it Tae! Life always doesn't give us happythings. This is just a phase. I am sure it will go on', Namjoon tried to console Tae.


'Bub!! You know what... Your husband is literally a hero', Namjoon said smiling when Hoseok went to meet Manoban for documentation purpose. Tae smiled. 'My Yoongi hyung is also hero', Namjoon said smiling.

'What did your Yoongi did?', Tae said as for him only his husband is hero. 'He is the one to decode everything and passed on the task to your husband', Namjoon said proudly. 'Look at you... So much in love ..', Tae teased.

Its been a week since Tae is staying in hospital. He denied to go to Mew home as he wanted to be with his brothers. Hoseok dint argue. He arranged extra security for Tae and Namjoon. Jin was slowly healing but he denied to talk to either of his brothers.

All his mind is filled with his Jungkook and the tears he gonna shed when Jin gonna engage with none other than Lisa. He thought of many scenarios how to explain, what to say but...all he could feel is missing him.

Jungkook dint stop texting Jin. Yoongi informed Jungkook that Jin met with accident and he will return seoul only after getting cured. From then Jungkook tried calling Jin many times. But Jin never responded. The fact that he love Jungkook toomuch has been revealed to himself with the pain he is having in his heart.


Engagement has been held after one and half month once Jin almost cured. He still have scars on body and he still limp while walking due to fractured leg. But the biggest scar is in his heart. From past 45 days, Jin never really spoke to anyone. He is still angry with Hoseok for being reason of his and Jungkook's seperation.

He dint want to be weak infront of his brothers. He wanted Yoongi next to him to console him but unfortunately he is away. Manoban made NDA signed even with Tae, Ken and Namjoon along with all the chefs, Jin and Hoseok. Once they were engaged and document has been officiated by govt. officials legalising it, he let all the chefs go.

After 1 more week for all the check ups in hospital, with heavy heart Jin bid farewell to Tae and Hosoek and left with Ken and Namjoon mentally prepared for upcoming explosions.

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