🌸Flash back🌸

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'Can I ask you something?', Yoongi started talking while stamping to the 2nd Reference letter signed by Jin. Jungkook nodded. 'It's hardly a month you guys share a bond. If we include your crush.. it's probably 4 months you guys know each other. Why are you hurting this much? If I am not wrong you guys not even have some proper moments with each other and as per what Jin shared with me, you guys met twice and had a call twice. Literally 4 times you might be physically or virtually with each other. Why are you looking so wasted Jungkook? I can say you are not over doing it. Your hurt is real, but I am confused why is it hurting too much?', Yoongi asked handling the File after neetly arranging the Reference letters in it.

'You might think it's matter of a Year', Jungkook smiled in pale. I am not sure if someone dint say this, but I love him from more than year.  When I have nothing to keep my spirits up, it's the thought of him which gave me hope to move in my life', Jungkook responded still looking down. 'Is it okay if I ask your side of Story?', Yoongi asked. Jungkook looked into eyes of Yoongi nodding in agreement to share his side of story.

Jungkook's PoV

"TAEHYUNGIEE!', some one screamed Tae's name while we are working in his room over the project. It's the first time I am coming to Tae's home since we started our friendship. I startled to hear that scream but unlike me Tae is so cool smiling over the scream. 'Who is that?', I asked. 'My Darling Brother. Just a minute. My brother is panicking for something. Don't come to living room okay?', Tae said going out of the room. With Human curiousity I slowly opened the door to look the person with such baby yet commanding voice. That's it.. My view about the life changed. I couldn't even see his face. He is wearning a white Formal shirt with Light grey pants fully drowned in rain , droplets tiping from every curve of his body. Due to the transperency, his every curve is looking too sharp and.. his whole upper body is visible. I think he has light brown Nipples.

'Hyung! Why did you drown in rain?', Tae asked him with concernful eyes. The wet human hugged him tightly tearing up. It somehow needled my heart. 'Who came here? Are you alright? Who is the guy that came with you? Do you know him? Is he a stranger forced you to enter in our home? Where is he?', oops he was worried because of me? Can I go out and introduce myself? Why did Tae asked not to come to living room. 'Hyuung! Nope.. He is not stranger. He is my best friend in college. I invited him home to work on a project. But, since it's raining I asked him to stay tonight. I am okay', Tae said with smiling face. May be.. it looked like this kind of things are common in his home. But, how come he know someone is in this home along with Tae?

'You should seriously stop peeping the CCTV footage every second diverting from your work', Tae pouted making that man scratch his neck smiling. Wow. He has a ... umm.. cute smile. 'Look at you.. All drowned. Go and get changed. Then come to my room. I will introduce you my friend so that, next time when you see him in CCTV you should not have to bother', Tae smiled. What?? Will he introduce me to his brother. Noo.. I am not dressed properly. No way. I wont. 'Alright! No need of that. I will change and I will be working from my room. Keep the door open and ... do just work okay?', he warned.


'Don't worry. He is too concerned about me', Tae smiled locking the door. 'Does your room have CCTV?', I asked suddenly not wanting to get caught bby him. He chuckled. 'No way! It's in living room and in Main entrance. Don't worry', Tae said patting my head. 'Tae!', I really am not a person to keep things in heart. 'Can I confess something?', I said him seriously getting a nod. 'I think I fell for your brother', I said honestly getting a spank from him. 'Yah! I hate such kinds of Jokes', Tae pouted. 'I am really serious Tae. I was never this sure in my entire life. I ... really like your brother', I explained again. 'Jungkook! Calm down. Stop it!', Tae got irritated. I know the reason. 'It's almost an year I have been invited to your forceful engagement with Lisa. You are engaged Jungkook. What do you mean you like him? Don't drag my brother into this kind of things', Tae said seriously. I silently nodded in agreement. I know I am not a person he need in life.

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