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Venion felt her heartbeat beating in a painful manner.


A bright silver light shone amidst the black mist of dead mana.

"Kahahahaha! Is that my Silver sword? After you die, I'll be the owner!"

Neol looked very excited when he saw the silver sword in the crowd of monsters.

With the sight turning blood-red from her head, Venion looked at the red-colored sword.

'If you are lodged in my soul, then, protect me.  I don't want to die yet.  Not here.  I beg you, save me.'

The words couldn't come out of the dying Venion's mouth.

The silver sword glowed as it moved to slash the monster into pieces.

"What!? Are you kidding me!? What is that sword doing! You are mine, you should submit to me!"

Neol was furious when he summoned several third rank monsters to instantly kill Venion.

Venion took her gun weakly, as she targeted Neol.

Shoot!  Shoot!  Shoot!

"Ugh! Damn it! You're already dying and you still annoying! Ugh!"

Venion's shot was just a random shot.  Only one bullet hit Neol's stomach.

"Damn it! Why does this hurt so much! I will give you back this pain!"

Neol wanted to summon another monster when all the third ranked monsters one by one were defeated by the silver sword.

"Hey! Is someone there!"

Neol clicked his tongue when he heard someone's voice.

"Don't let me catch you! I will torture you to death!"

Neol tore the taliport magic scroll as he disappeared.

Seeing Neol disappear, the silver sword also slowly faded away.

"Oh my god! Are you okay!?"

Venion couldn't recognize who had come to check on her.  She was already at her limit.

Venion sank into darkness as she collapsed from lack of blood and excruciating pain.




"Miss Cage! Can you heal this person's wounds!? Maybe she was poisoned with dead mana, but she hasn't become a dark creature yet!"

Tasha had Venion in her arms anxiously questioning Cage.

With a body full of blood and dust from the red sand, Venion's entire body was red, there was no way Cage and Tasha could recognize Venion.

I'm become Venion Stan. [Female Venion.] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now