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"Why do you look gloomy?"

Cale sighed heavily as he sat down beside Venion.

"You fainted for 3 days, and 5 saints were needed just to stabilize your heartbeat. What happened to your body?"

Venion gaped in shock.

"5 saints!? Looks like I'm in trouble."

Cale shook his head slightly annoyed.

"And what's with the sword?"

Venion leaned back against the bed to make herself more comfortable.

"It was made of my soul, and the sword protected me. Since it was made of my soul, and appeared because I was in danger, I don't know how to bring it out again. But what I do know is, if the sword breaks, I will die because my soul is destroyed."

Cale's face turned pale.

"Don't you dare try to bring it up again."
"Ehh? But if I can bring it up, I no longer need your protection."

Cale looked at Venion fiercely, making Venion throw away the thought.

"Because Redika's arrows are strong, the sword received a large enough impact that my soul is cracking right now. Divine power can't heal soul in the end."

Cale's eyes shook at that.

"So you should sleep and rest."

Venion stifled a laugh.

“Cale, what needs to recover with sleep is the body. The soul will recover when they are awake indicating a person still has a soul within their body. The more I sleep, the slower I recover.”

Cale glared at Venion who was laughing at him.

"So don't sleep for 3 days." Cale said annoyed.

Venion still looked like she wanted to laugh, but she held it in.

"I apologize."

Venion was confused as she looked at Cale who was looking down.

"I couldn't save you."

Venion smiled at that. A person like Cale, must have been the most disappointed when he couldn't help people he knew.

"No, you saved me."

Cale confusedly looked at Venion.

"I survived because you exist. At first, I wanted to give up and didn't even intend to avoid it. But I remember you, my heroes, and someone I love the most. Thank you for being my last light."

Cale fell silent as he averted his gaze. Cale's ears were slightly red, but Venion didn't see them because Cale's hair color was covering them.

Cale woke up and Venion thought he was going back to his room.

"So it's a reward for doing your best."

Cale hugged Venion.

Venion's face became extremely red. She would always be tickled by a hug, but this time she felt like she was fine with that.

Venion returned Cale's hug as she rubbed his face against Cale's chest.

“I love you so much Cale! Why are you so kind!?”

Cale patted Venion on the head, before he exited her room.


Venion wanted to roll over in pleasure, but her body was still weak. So she just hugged the pillow tightly.

'This is the best day of my life!'


Cale closed the door, and the corners of his lips subconsciously rose into a satisfied smile.

I'm become Venion Stan. [Female Venion.] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now