Next morning

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"Good morning!!!" I heard a yell.

I woke up suddenly.

"Its not what you think Allison." I said panicking.

"Ashley its OK. You didn't have sex right?" She asked.

"No, we just fell asleep next to eachother. Right Jay!!" I looked at him.

"Yeah we just fell asleep. I kept her warm and toasty. And all we did was kiss." He said.

"OK then." Allison left.

"That was a close one. We didn't lie so that was good. I felt really safe and warm with you." I said.

"Haha, have I told you that your eyes are so sparkling that the blind me." He said.

"Nope not at all, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I left to the bathroom.

I was in the bathroom and looked at myself. Am I just taking this way to far?  I thought to myself. No your not don't listen to yourself stupid! I thought to myself trying to stop thinking. But I couldn't. I washed my face and went back to his room.

"What's wrong?" He asked me.

"Nothing I just don't feel good. I think I'm sick." I said. I really felt sick.

"Ok lets have Allison check you out." I nodded and we went to find Allison.

We found Allison in an empty room.

"Allison!" I said. Nothing could come out and everything went black.

Aunt Jessica, may I please have a friend come over to help me with a project?
No!!! Go to your room.
Actually, I don't want to. Why is it that i get treated differently than everyone else?
Life isnt fair so go to your room.
Ran out the door.
Runs to a nearby friend.
James are you home?
Yeah, whats wrong?
My aunt!
Come in, ill get you some water.
I sit on the couch.
My aunt really is messed up!
How so?
She wont allow me to have a friend over to help me with a project.
Wow i have to agree she is messed up.
Yeah, thanks for being there.
I got up and hugged James.

"Ashley? Can you hear me?" I opened my eyes with Allison, Jay, and another girl in there.

"What....what happened?" I asked.

"You passed out. Your sugar was very low." The lady said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Im your doctor. Doctor. Wendy. I came in here to help these two get you in a bed." She said.

I stayed silent.

"Well I will see how she does in about an hour I will let her go." The doctor told Allison.

"Ok, thank you." She told the doctor.

"At least you told me you weren't feeling good." Jay told me.

"Yeah." I said.

"Jay how about we leave her alone a bit. Guve her some space?" Allison said.

"Ok." They both left.

"Hey can you bring Angel in here?" I asked before she left.

"Yeah, I most definitely will." Allison turned around and left.

Angel came through the door five minutes after.

"Hey, Allison told me what happened. Whats up?" Angel asked me.

"I don't want to be alone." I said.

"Well I'm right here" she said.
An hour went by and the doctor came back.

"Your sugar is at a normal rate. You are released." She said.

I got up and left to the cafeteria.

"Welcome back!" Jay said. I smiled and sat down .

"Are feeling any better?" Allison asked.

I didn't speak a word. I wasn't really in a talkitive mood at the moment. I just nodded.

"You aren't talking? This isn't like you." Jay said.

"Thank you for your concerns but I'm fine. I'm just not in a mood." I finally said.

"Ashley, don't be a smartass. What's wrong?" Allison said.

"I'm not being a smartass, I just still feel blah." I said.

"Oh OK, are you hungry?" Allison asked me.

"Yeah, I want a peanut butter cheese sandwich, Spicy doritos, and apple, and tea." I damanded.

"OK, they have jalapeño poppers. Do you want any?" Jay asked me.

"Why not?" I said smiling a little bit.

Jay and Allison left the table. My father came in all suited up and had papers.

"Dad, what's the suit and paper?" I asked.

"I got a job. Its something better. I got a job at a music store. And I won't be working nights. You will be able to come with me on weekends and teach little kids how to play. I got you job there." He said sitting down.

"Are you serious? I can work at a music store at 14?" I asked.

"Well this doesnt happen everyday, it is the store that Allison brought you. They want to get an interview on Tuesday. And here is the application." He slid the big folder to me.

"Wow, and what are you working in? What area?" I asked smiling.

"I'm restoring old instruments." He said.

"Whats restoring?" I said confused.

"Its where I fix old instruments and replace old parts and make them look brand new even though they aren't old." He said.

"Oh OK." I said.

"I heard you passed out. Are you alright?" He asked me.

"Yeah just low sugar again." I told him.

"You need to eat more protein. It will help the sugar issue. Meat and granola bars have plenty of protein." He explained in farther details.

Jay and Allison came back.

"Alright here's some lunch. Sorry it took a long time but they ran put of jalapeño poppers. They made so e fresh ones. And hello handsome man. Did you get the job?" Allison asked my dad.

"Most certainly, I even got Ashley a job." He said.

"Awesome. What area?" She asked.

"I got restoring instruments and Ashley gets to teach little kids the different types of instruments. She even gets to play them." He explained.

"Great. Maybe it will get things off of Ashley's mind. Right Ashley?" She looked at me as I stuffed my mouth with poppers. I looked like a chipmunk.

"Wat timgs?" I said with a full mouth.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." My dad looked at me.

I swallowed what was in my mouth. "Yes ma'am." I said.

I finished everything that I had.

"I got to get into some clothes." I said.

"Yes you do. Its 10 o'clock in the morning." Jay joked.

"Really? I thought it was later." I said confused.

"Its actually 12. Haha." He laughed.

"Don't joke like that!" I smiled.

I got up and found a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt with a scarf. I wasn't a fan of dresses or skirts. They look ugly on me.

Thanks. That's all tonight!!!

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