The date!!

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We pulled up to the shelter and Allison immediately ran in to get changed. I waited in the car and listened to some music. On the radio they started to play Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. When I first heard it I balled.

"Alright then let's not listen to that." I said turning the station to 103.3. Classic rock has always been a family pass on.

I waited ten more minutes and saw Allison in a dress that was a beautiful blue and some glass slippers.

She got into the car and looked in her mirror.

"How do I look?" She glanced at me.

"Um.." I couldn't believe how nice she looked.

"Well, are you gonna say something?" She asked me waving her hand in my face.

"You look Fantastic!!! Just don't lose your slipper like Cinderella." I said sarcastically.

"Oh you, that's just a fairy tale. You are some jokester!" She teased.

"Um yeah, I take after my Brother." I said smiling.

She turned the key and we drove toward the restraunt.

As we got there I fixed my hair just so that Jay didn't see how ugly I looked. And Allison got out and met my Father at the door. I saw that he opened the door for her and they went in.

I got out and realized that Jay wasn't behind me.

"Ahhh!" I screamed as I about fell.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..... Are you OK?" Jay panicked.

"Yeah, your fine. Glad you caught me." I smiled at him.

"Very funny, let's go!" He said wrapping his arm around my waist.

Jay had the most handsome tuxedo on. He was brilliant. Compared to what I was wearing he looked more casual. I had skinny jeans, boots and a hot topic T-shirt. But luckily Jay took his jacket and untied his tie and put it around his neck just to look like me.

What a genius.

"Here my lady." He pulled my seat out. I sit down.

"Thank you." I said.

He smiled. "Good evening young couple, how may I help you with a drink?" A waitress asked us.

I got the usual sweet tea. Jay got water with a lemon.

"So, I want to know more about you." Jay said out of no where.

"I'm from California, I play in band. Just a band geek thing." I said.

"Not that I want to know who you really are." He looked into my eyes.

"Like what do you mean?" I asked.

"Like what you like and what's your favorite color. Something like that." He said looking at me.

"My favorite color is green, I like to watch Glee and Doctor Who, Big fan of classic rock, and I love to play music and sing." I said.

"Amazing, I like you just the way you are. The way you dress, the way you always smile when I look at you. Its just I never felt so much love when I'm with you. It just hits me, you are my night in shining armor. Your beautiful, and don't change who you are." He said to me with the most wonderful voice.

The guy came back with our drinks. Then asked what to eat. I just picked grilled cheese. I wasn't really hungry.

"You need to eat more than that!" Jay laughed a little.

"How come?" I asked.

"Because remember the last time you didn't eat?" He told me.

"Fine, I'll eat a little bit more. Should I offer dessert." I asked.

"Yes ma'am. What would my lady like?" He said in a British voice.

I went on with it. "I would like a chocolate truffle cake." I said back.

He smiled and we ate dessert. When we finished we went outside.

"So, when will your leg get better?" He asked me.

"Um, not entirely sure. The doctor said about a month or so. It hurts once in a while but I'll be fine." I said.

"Well I'll pray everyday to get get that leg better." He said.

"I'll pray with you. Should we?" I asked.

He nodded and I went on with the prayer.

"Dear heavenly Father, Please make every moment last all night, and to heal the wounded who have been hurt by the distruction that was caused over a few nights ago. Please heal my leg so that I can run and be free from torture. Thank you. Amen."

"Amen." Jay repeated back.

I looked at Jay and he kissed me. We looked at each other and Allison and my father came out.

"So how was it?" I asked.

"It was fantastic. Let's head back. You need your medicine before something happens." My father said.

We headed to the car and left and went back to the shelter.
Hey guys its late but hope you enjoy. Thanks!!

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