The worst become good!!

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I got into some fresh clean cloths and freshened up my makeup. I don't wear much but I still put some on. I don't go overboard like some people.

Don't want to look like a clown.

I went out to Allison where she was cleaning up.

"Hey, Allison! Can you check my leg, I really want to get off these stupid crutches." I asked.

"Sure thing. Get up on the bed. I'll do some xrays and see what is up." She said.

I got up on the bed and waited till she came back. They did the xrays and I waited for the results.

Allison came back.

"Alright, let's see. It looks as if it is fractured and the cut needs to be restitched on the left side. Let me go get the stuff." She said.

I stayed laying down, I looked at the ceiling.

She came back and restitched it. She rewrapped it into a cast that was hard.

"What color?" Blue, green, pink, or purple?" She asked.

"Green!" I said.

"You still have to be on them crutches. I'm sorry. But at least a month." She said finishing up the wrapping.

"Ugh!! Thanks though." I said frowning.

"Hey its OK. Don't frown. Today we are going to your house to see what we can save. And look on the bright side you are alive and that's the only thing that matters. You didn't lose it." She explained sitting next to me.

"You have a point. What about march in band? That's my life. If I can't march then who will?" I said.

"You'll be able to mrach soon. Its only a month. You can live." She said smiling.

"Yeah, thanks for everything!" I said smiling back.

"Haha, no problem sweetie. We are about to leave so get ready." She said going out the door.

I quickly put my converses on. I met Allison out in her car.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"They left an hour ago. They told me that we can meet them later but we are leaving now." She said.

"Oh, alright." I said back.

We drove to my house.

As I looked at the damage it was horrible.

"I really never thought on how bad it looked. All I remember was looking at Angel and waking up in the back of an emergency vehicle." I said getting out of the vehicle.

"Wow! It must have been really bad!" Allison said.

"Yes it was, Ashley come with me. I will show you where you got injured as i should say." Angel came and said.

Angel brought Allison and I to the scene where I got hurt really bad.

"Ew, that's my blood?" I asked.

"Yeah, you lost quite a bit of blood. And this truck part was lying on top of your leg. This is where you nearly died." Angel had a tear in her eyes.

"I didn't see it as that bad!" I said.

"Oh it was bad. Nick kept saying don't leave. You were in shock so you couldn't hear anything. Then you stopped breathing and then you responded in the emergency vehicle. I cryed for minutes in the hospital as they were giving you blood. I held Nick as close as I could. And then you woke up and talked. It was a miracle." She said.

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