Lunch time!!

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Allison and I both headed toward the lunch room.

"This place is a maze!!" I said.

"Haha, silly. I've been here a long time so just follow me." She said chuckling to her self.

"I can tell. I haven't been here as long as you." I said.

We both giggled a little as we walked into a hallway.

I followed her and we finally got to the lunch room. I found Nick, Dad, Tyler, Angel and Samamtha and toby and her mother all at a table together.

I went over to them and Allison followed.

"Please, sit." My father said to Allison. I could see that he really has an eye for her.

"Dad, can we talk?" I asked. I didn't want to talk about the date so I wanted to get to know him.

"Yeah, what's on your mind daughter?" He said

Daughter? What the fuck!! I'm so confused. I'm usually called what ash or ass. I just went with it. I'm happy he called me that instead of negligent words.

"Um...what would you like to do whenever this stuff is all gone and we have a house?"

"Well, I was planning to take you both to an awesome science museum in Oklahoma city. But that has to wait. There is a lot of stuff we can do. If you hear of a great place let me know." He said.

"Yeah, alright. Do you like to play ball?" I asked him.

I always played baseball as a kid. My aunt never knew I snuck out of the house to meet up with my team. I found some money at her house and used it to actually pay to play the season. I was the only girl but I felt amazing to actually have boys that don't care about your sex. Or how different you were. As long as you could play they loved you and never could let you go.

They were like brothers and I miss them alot. They were the ones that I can stick up to and have trust in them and I knew I could trust them to keep there mouth shut. Max was my pal. He was always there.

One time when we were playing he hit me in the head with the ball by mistake and he immediately came over to me and helped me up. I got up and dusted the dirt. Ever since he has not let anyone try to hurt me.

But now that I moved I can't see him anymore. But me and him are sending letter back and forth. And he promised that he will never let go of what he was. I actually developed a crush on him shortly after. But its to late. To late to say my feelings to him but in a letter.

"Yes, I actually played as a boy. I loved to play a lot. My sister wasn't much into it so I went by myself with Grandpappy. He loved baseball. Especially when his own son played. But I had to end my career on baseball." He stopped.

"How come? And yeah your sister disagreed me playing but I snuck out. It was the only thing I could have done to have a childhood. I wasn't going to let her ruin my life." I said feeling great.

"Ashley, you shouldn't sneak out." He said without raising his voice.

"Well she wouldn't allow me to do anything. So I played ball without her knowing." I said.

"Alright that is understandable, she was always that person you couldn't have fun with. But let's get back to the point." He said.

"Yeah, father so why did you stop playing?" Nick said.

"Well I hit the ball I made a home run. I looked at the ball. Didn't think of running or anything. Then I heard 'RUN', so I ran. 1st base, 2nd base. Cornered towards 3rd base then I slid. 'BOOM'"

My father clapped really loud. I jumped almost out of my seat. Everyone laughed at me.

"Hush, dads about to get to a good part." I said.

They all stopped laughing.

Dad continued. "There was silence between the fans cheering. I looked down at my leg and it was broken."

"Wow, so you never could play again?" I asked.

"I could but I'm not gonna risk hurting myself again." He said.

"Oh, I've hurt myself plenty of times but that was a story." I said.

"Well I'll tell more later. Allison is about to leave. Right?" He turned to look at Allison.

"Yes sir, come on Ashley." She said

"Thanks dad for the story." I said.

"No problem, you can ask anything." He said with a smile.

We both went back to the same room we were before.

"I never knew I took after my father so much." I said.

"Well it seems you two will be close together in no time." Allison said.


We waited agian.
Thanks!! I will post later!

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