Suited for spinning Success

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Up in the mountains near the east of Ponyville there is a garden near the top of the mountain and in the garden is home to a bunch of Spinda's.

Up in the mountains near the east of Ponyville there is a garden near the top of the mountain and in the garden is home to a bunch of Spinda's

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All the Spinda were wearing flowers as they danced away. One Spinda with a three Diamond pattern on its head was weaving a flower crown for another Spinda. "Spin!" The Diamond Spinda said to the other Spinda as it placed the flower crown on the other Spinda's head. "Spin."

The other Spinda said as it stumbled away to the other Spinda's. "Spin..." the Diamond patterned Spinda sighed as it was suddenly hit in the face by a magazine that was caught in the wind. "Spinda!!" It yelled as it was tumbling in fear until the magazine got off of it. "Spin!" It said as it jumped away from the magazine until it slowly walked to the magazine as it looked at the magazine.

"Spin?" It said as it saw the magazine was filled with different styles of dresses and suits. Spin." It said with its swirling eyes turned to swirling stars. "Spin!" It excitedly said as it picked up the magazine and it runs off in excitement as the other Spinda's watch it head to the exit of the garden in confusion.

Your POV:

"Ugh...." I grumbled as I was stuck in bed due to the poison from the garbodor. "The doctor said that you have to stay in bed for a two weeks." Twilight said as she was next to me placing get well cards from the others. "I still can't believe the doctors couldn't cure my poison." I grumbled. "Don't blame the doctors. They just don't have the antidote due to never seeing this type of poison. Your just lucky that it will go away on its own."

"Yeah, yeah...." I said as I saw Twilight went to her closet and starts looking around. "What are you doing?" I asked her. "Looking for my old dress. I need an outfit for the gala." She said. "Why?" I asked her. "It's been a few years since I worn it and I want to see if it still fits me." She told me. "I doubt it, Cupcake destroyer." I thought with a smirk, as I remembered when I first calling her that three weeks ago when she came home with a box filled with 25 cupcakes and took them to her favorite chair. "Found it!" She said as she lifted the dress with her magic.

"Huh...." She said as she notice something about her dress. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "One of the buttons is missing." She said as she goes back to the closet and comes out with the missing button. "I better go to Rarity's to get this fixed." She said. "Do you think she could make me a dress/suit?" I asked. "I'll let her now." She said. "Thank you." I said as she was about to leave when she stops. "Oh! Before I go." She says as she opens the blinds to the window and I was hit by a very bright light of sunlight. "Gahhhh!!!!" "I knew that you would call me "cupcake destroyer" the moment when I said. "If it still fits."" She said as leaves with smirk as I was now trying to cover myself from the bright light.

Time skip

It had taken me a few minutes but I had eventually gotten (m/n) to get the blinds in exchange for my pillow as I looked at the bottom of my bed watching the little Morpeko sleeping on top of my pillow. "Worth it." I thought as I was about to go to sleep when the door opens. "Good news! We're having a fashion show!" Twilight came in along with Rarity. "What?" I asked as I slowly got up. "A fashion show." Rarity sang as she levitates a measuring tape and starts taking my measurements.

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