Imp of the Century

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Fluttershy POV:

It is just a beautiful day today and tomorrow the princess will be here. I was with my animal friends gathering flowers for the princess and she is gonna love them. "Morpei." I then heard something coming from the bushes which surprised me a bit. "Morpei." "Umm.... Hello....?" I asked as the bush moves until a small cute creature comes out of the bushes.

?" I asked as the bush moves until a small cute creature comes out of the bushes

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(Imagine it's voice is the Japanese version.)
"Morpei." "Hello, little guy." "Morpei!" "Oh! sorry. Little girl. I've never seen anything like you before." I said as it was looking at the basket that I had brought for lunch while I was still picking flowers. "Oh, are you hungry? Here you go." I said as I placed the basket near it and it immediately ate the entire thing with great speeds.

"I guess you were hungry." I said as it made a small burp and it jumped onto my back and starts to fall asleep. "You're the cutest thing ever! I can't wait to show you to my friends." I said as I went to Ponyville to show my friends the most cutest thing I have ever meet.


In the trees a small movement was made was a branch was moved to the side to show a small humanoid creature.

In the trees a small movement was made was a branch was moved to the side to show a small humanoid creature

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"Imp." It said with a head turn in curiosity as it watches the Pegasus head to town. It then sports a mischievous grin as it jumps down from the branch and it starts to follow the canary yellow Pegasus into Ponyville.

Twilight POV:

Tomorrow is when princess Celestia will be here and so far everything looks great. Except for the sign, which I made sure that they fully spelled Celestia's name. Right now Spike is cleaning the library, (y/n) is getting the flowers and by my calculations he/she will be here sometime tomorrow in the morning. Currently I am heading to Sugarcube Corner to see how the food preparations are going.

I have just arrived to the corner and I saw mr. and mrs. Cake working. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake. How's the banquet coming?" I asked them which Mrs. Cake answers. " would be coming a little better if..." she then motions to Pinkie who took one giant bite out of a cake. "Pinkie! What are you doing? Those sweets are supposed to be for the princess."

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