The Abominable Icepony

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Your pov:

It took us several days to get to the village below mount Everhoof. "So why are we waiting in the lobby of the hotel and not getting gear?" I asked. "Because awe are waiting for a friend who knows how to climb up a mountain. Luna told me. "Tempest?" "Nope!" She said as the door opens and a familiar hat wearing Pegasus.

 "Tempest?" "Nope!" She said as the door opens and a familiar hat wearing Pegasus

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"Sorry I'm late but I had to help somepony get a cat out of a tree." She said as I stared in shock,

Your pov: .....Still

"Is that Daring Do?" I asked in confusion and shock. "Why yes! She knows her way up dangerous and remote environments, so she shall by our guide." Luna said as Daring sat down at our table. "I thought you were a fictional character?" I said. "Yeah, I just write all my adventures using a pen name." She told me.

"Besides I'm glad to help the royal highness. She helped me and I help her, so now we're even." She said. ".....What?" I said in confusion. "It was all written in Daring Do and the lost crown of the moon." Luna said as I thought about it. ".....Your Queen Midnight?" I said in surprise. "So anyway! Do we need anything?" Luna asked Daring. "Just a few, but these mountains are a bit cold so make sure to grab a lot of warmth." She told us as we nod.

Time skip

"Man this place is cold!!?!!" I yelled as we were climbing up the mountain. "Really? Tis fell like a normal day on the moon." Luna said In confusion. "A day?..... Are you sure you don't mean the nighttime on the moon?" I ask. "Thou should feel the winter days." Luna said. "I see...." "Careful. We're entering an avalanche zone. So don't make too much noise." Daring warned us as we were walking.

Then a loud creepy noise was made and suddenly an avalanche has occurred. "Everypony! Get behind us!" Luna yells as me Daring got behind her as she then activates a shield but then a beam of ice appeared and froze the avalanche like it was nothing. "What was that?!" I asked. "Ughh.... I was warned about this but I thought it was just a local superstition." Daring began. "What superstition?" I asked. "The locals believe that there's a creature living here. They call it the abominable Icepony." Daring explained.

"Of course there is...." I said in a unsurprised look. "It appears that thou icepony left us a trail?" Luna said as we saw that a path was made going up the mountain. "That's odd? I was told that this thing doesn't help ponies?" Daring said. "Then I'm guessing there's some sort of motive to this." I said. "Then tis best to keep our guard up." Princess mom said as we began to climb up the steps that was left for us.

Time skip

We climbed up the steps until we had reached to the top where a cave opening. "Whewwww!! I thought we would never get to the end to these stupid stai- Wait a minute! You two had wings! Why didn't you two fly up here and at the very least let me have a ride!?" I yelled angrily. "Because it would've been dangerous." Daring said. "Actually I could've gotten us up here at any time but this was more fun." Luna said as both me and Daring gave her a "Really" look.

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