The shark and pony show

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Your pov:

It had been another week and I was back on my feet.... Errrr.... Hooves I mean.... But I was back on all fours and I was ready to go back to training..... small stuff that is.... I was told to take things slow so I was going to try to teach myself Brick-Break which only required my front hooves and I have seen Pokémon use moves that they can learn by TM. If they can know then why can't I.

Anyway.... I had placed a wooden board in place of two wooden stilts.... "Alright.... Time to dooooo.... This..... move..... Brick-Break!" I yelled as I slammed my front hoof on the wooden plank. "Gaaaaaahhhhhhhoooooowwwwwww!!!!" I yelled in pain. "Gahhh!!... that hurts!! How is it possible. That I can knock a tree down but I couldn't break a simple piece of wood!?!? I complained as I saw Spike running along with Dia.

"(Y/n)!! (Y/n)!! (Y/n)! Aaaah! Rarity... woods... jewels... land sharks... hole... taken... Save her!" "Spin! Spin!"  They both said as they were panting and was freaking out. "Breathe, boys! Breathe!" I told them as they were trying to catch their breath. "Better?" I asked them as they were finishing calming down. "Yeah." "Great. Now tell me what's wrong?" I asked them. "Rarity was taken by a group of land sharks! We tried to fight them but they were to fast and wouldn't leave the ground. All we saw was their fins!" Spike told me.

"Land sharks? ..... oooohhhhh..... get the others now!" I said in panic.

Time skip

We had managed to gather the others and we were heading to where Rarity was taken. "So Rarity was taken by land sharks?" Rainbow said. "Yes!" Spike said. "And we need to find her before something happens to her!" I yelled as we reached to where Rarity was taken but we saw a dozen holes. "Holy moly, that's a lotta holeys." Pinkie said. "Come on, every pony! Let's get started." Twilight said as we begin looking at the holes until the holes were being covered by dirt.

"What the!?" I yelled in surprise as I saw that all the holes were being covered. "Quick! We gotta get down one before they're all filled up." Twilight yelled as we were all trying to get to an hole. I was trying to get one until I had managed to get to an open hole. "Aha!" I yelled in happiness. "Gible!" I heard the familiar sound as something zoomed out of the hole and It bite my head and all I can see was darkness and I could feel sharp pain around my face. "Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!! It's biting my face! It's biting my face!!" I yelled in pain as was moving around trying to shake this thing off of me.

"Don't worry I'll get it off!" I heard applejack said as the creature let's go and I was met by two hooves hitting my face. "Gaaahhh!!!" I yelled as I hit the ground in pain. "I'm so sorry (y/n)!" I heard AJ said as I saw the familiar land shark known as Gible.

 "I'm so sorry (y/n)!" I heard AJ said as I saw the familiar land shark known as Gible

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"Gible." It said as it jumped to the open hole and covered it up. "Gahhh...." I groaned in pain. "Let me help." Aj said as she helps me up. "Thanks." I said. "Those things have managed to cover up all the holes." Twilight said. "I didn't think a stubby little thing like that could be fast." Rainbow said. "They are called Gible and they are very great diggers." I said.

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