The News

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Your pov:

It's been a few weeks and today me, Twilight, and Pinkie were at the doctor's office fixing to be ready for how many foals we're having together. It's been a crazy few weeks, especially when your living with Pinkie Pie. When she moved in, she had filled the room with all her party supplies, which was apparently a lot because there was more then a party store would have. She also brought her body pillows which was awkward for me and Twilight because Pinkie had placed them on the bed, which all three of us were sharing. Imagine waking up to seeing a body pillow of yourself in a erotic position..... It was very awkward, but not as awkward of seeing all of our friends in those poses and for some reason she had one of herself?

Because of those pillows Twilight decided to move Spike to a new room that was built along side the other new rooms that we made for the future foal or foals and the other for Trixie. Pinkie also brought her pet baby alligator and Cubie the Eiscue which they slept with (y/n), Fluffy, and owlicious. So basically the library house was a bit crowed. Anyways, Pinkie was really excited about living with ponies and I can tell she does because she really likes to snuggle up close and personal with both me and Twilight..... Notice how I didn't say in bed. She does it all the time, she would snuggle and hugs us anytime she wants, and personal space is not exactly in her dictionary because she hugs our butts for some awkward reason, and apparently,she would also sleep on our backs whenever she wants.

Do what me and Twi could guess is that she always wanted to be part of a family and having a foal or more is like a dream come true based on what we observed when she started living us.... That and she plainly told us that this was like a dream come true. I'm sure it's one of those two. As I was thinking I heard the door open as the doctor comes in. "I'm back in it's the results of the number of foals you three are having and by Ms. Sparkle's request. We also got a DNA Test for who the Father of the foals are." He told us as he sat down.

"Which do you want to here first?" He asked us as me and Twilight looked at each other and we both said. "The number of foals." "Well, I must say congratulations because you are having three foals." He told us which Me and Twilight quietly high hoofed as we were saved from having 8 foals. "Awww.... I was hoping for 13." Pinkie said which me and Twilight just stared at her for a bit. "So now the results of who the father is. Now based on all the information that ms. Sparkle has given us on all the magic spells that she used when she was drunk and all the results that were given." He said as he placed a chart.

"Aaaannndd?" Twilight asked. "Well, we put the temporary gender switch spell in the equation along with the extra spell that was also casted which apparently made it physically possible that all three of you could be the parents at the same time." He said which confused me. "Wait? It wasn't possible?" I asked. "Well, we believe Twilight had created a new spell and this could be very great for male and male relationships, because if they used a temporary gender swap it wouldn't work due to it being temporary and to have a foal you kinda need a certain female part." He told me.

"And this helps.... How?" I asked him. "They could have both their DNA and can used for when they need..... well I'm sure you can figure out the rest." He told me. "Okayyyy.... What about the fact that I'm a Pokémon and not a pony?" I asked. "Ms. Sparkle already asked us and we determined that you can have a foal with a pony." "Oh. That's good.... But what about the fact they could lay an egg!?" I asked in worry. "What!?" Twilight and Pinkie yelled out in confusion. ".....Sir/ma'am..... I'm gonna be straight with you and ask are you high? Because the only mammals that can lay eggs are platypus's and echidna's.... Equines give live birth..... I recommend that you read a biology book. Oh and just so you know Hyena's are the only mammals to have a pseudo male part. Good day." He said as he left the room.

"Why did you ask that?" Twilight asked me. "Well.... Because all Pokémon lay eggs." I smiled nervously. ".....That is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard of and now I kinda what to research that." Twilight said as she was now in science mode. "Hmmmm.... I wonder if I'm gonna lay eggs?" Pinkie said to herself in wonder.

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