Friendship is magic part one

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Your name: (y/n)
Gender: male/female

(Y/n) POV:

"Ughhh.... Turn off that... light." I said as I was trying to block off the light that was shining on my face.  After a few seconds the light wasn't going to go away and I started to slowly open my eyes while trying not to get blinded.

When I open my eyes all I saw was sky for some reason. "What happen to the roof?" I asked I moved to my side to see a bunch of trees. "Uhhh.... When did I sleep outside?" I asked myself as I tried to get up but I fell down for some reason.

"What the!?" I yelped in surprise as I was trying to get up again, but I still can't stand up straight. "WHAT IS GOING ON!?!" I yelled as I looked at my feet only to see hooves with blue tips.

"What?" I said in confusion as I looked around to see a small pond which I slowly crawl my way towards it. As I reached the pond I looked down to see that my face was different.

 As I reached the pond I looked down to see that my face was different

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"AAAHHHH!!!" I yelled in fear as I jumped backwards onto my back. "WHY DID I LOOK LIKE...." I looked down to see that I had a TAIL!? "THIS CANT BE HAPPENING!?!" I yelled in fear as I slowly crawled back to the body of water.

I looked at my reflection and I saw the same face that I saw a few moments ago. "OH MY GOSH!! I HAVE BEEN TURNED INTO A...A...A.... KELDEO!?!" I yelled in panic and I was breathing rapidly.

"I-I-I..... I can't believe.... That this.... Actually.... Happening to me.... And it's.... Terrifyingly awesome!!!" I yelled to myself. "I can't believe that this is rea- Wait!? Is this actually real or..." I then used my right hoof and punched my left one.

Above the trees.

Your POV:
"Oowwww..." I painingly said as I was rubbing the place the punched my hoof on. "I guess... I should've seen that coming." After a while I tried to stand up like a keldeo would. "Ok.... Now that I know that this is not a dream.... I guess the first step is to learn to walk."

I tried moving my hooves like a normal horse would do, but I feel down a couple of times trying to walk but after a few more attempts I have finally managed to learn to walk. "Yes!! Now that, that's taken care of I can focus on the true part of what's going on."

"How was I turned into a Pokémon? Why was I turned to a Pokémon? And when did this happen? .... All I can remember was going to bed last night and now I am here." I said to myself as I was pacing back and forth.

I then sighed and said "I suppose the only way to get answers which is to explore the area for clues or something. But the question is... where do I start?" I pondered on what to do until I saw a large shadow go by me heading to what I can guess is south. ".....That shadow is probably a good start." I said as I began walking to where that shadow went.

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