Owl's Well that Tones Well

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Your pov:

It was night time and I was out with all my friends to watch a meteor shower that only happens every one hundred years. I was enjoying one of the cookies that me, Twilight, and Spike had brought. So far it was a nice night and we were all having fun. Although it seems Spike was having the most fun with all the praise he was getting. "Hey, everypony! The show is starting" sweetie said as we all began to get seated and the shower begins which was very beautiful.

As I was watching I saw one meteor crashed somewhere near Sweet Apple Arcs. "Looks like a meteor just crashed. Better let AJ know." I thought as I waited for the shower to end and then let AJ know. After the show had ended and everyone was getting ready I walked up to AJ which she noticed me. "Hey uhhh... AJ. I noticed an Meteor had crashed somewhere in Sweet Apple Arcs." I told her which she sighed.

"Great..... I hope it didn't knocked over any Apple trees." She said. "Do you need any help removing it?" I asked her. "I think me and Big Mac can handle lifting it up. But, I'm sure Twilight would want to study it. You can borrow one of our wagons and take the meteor then that'll be fine." She said. "Sounds good, I'm sure she will like that." I said as I then add. "I'll be there around 9." She nods as I went off to pick up the stuff that me, Twilight, and Spike brought while she takes Spike home to bed.

Time skip

I yawned as I walked downstairs of the library. "Good morning, (y/n)! I heard Twilight call out. "Good morning, Twi! ....I'm going to Sweet Apple acres to get a space rock." I told her. "Hoo!" "I'm helping Aj." "Hoo." "Applejack." "Hoo." "You know, the Apple farmer." "Hoo." "What other facts do youuuu...." I looked up to see an owl.

" I looked up to see an owl

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"And that's an owl." I said as I stared at it. "I like you to meet Owlowiscious. My new junior assistant." Twilight introduced me. "..... Did you say junior assistant?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Yep! He's gonna be a big help for Spike. He gets tired a lot helping and having extra help could help him." She told me. ".........Yeah, I'm just gonna go." I said as I was heading to the door. "I can already see where this is going and this doesn't involve me." I said as I left.

Time skip

I was had just entered the farm and I was walking through the farm and for some reason it was eerily quiet. "Weird....? Usually there would be animal noises?" I said in confusion as I saw the Apple house. I saw Granny Smith was standing near the barn next to the house for some reason. "Good morning!" I called out to her which she doesn't respond.

"Okayyy.... Must be busy?" I said as I walked to the house and knocked on the door and AJ comes out but for some reason she didn't have her hat on and didn't have her mane and tail didn't have those red braids that she Usually wears. "Oh! Howwwwdyyy, fellow pony. I'm very sorry but this place is..... is.... Is...." She said as she was thinking of what to say.

"Ummm.... Did I come early?" I asked in confusion. "It's not night out?" She said in confusion as she looks out the door. "Uhhhh.... I'm here to help with the meteor." I told her. "There's no meteor here! There have been a meteor. Not now nor not ever! Partner." She told me. "Are..... you ok?" I asked her. "Never better! I feel so fine that I can do this!" She said as she then jumps and did the splits and then jumps up and did a flip.... Twenty times without landing on the ground to do more flips.

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