Destiny of the Sword part 6

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Your pov:

"Ughhh.... I'm still not done." I groaned as I slowly woke up only to see all my friends being in pain. "What the!?" I yelled in shock as I jumped off the bed. "Ow!" I winced as I saw Twilight and Rarity's horn, Applejack and Pinkie's hooves and Pinkie's mane and tail, Fluttershy, Gabby's and Rainbow Dash's wings, and Spike's throat sparking purple electricity. "Twi!" I yelled as I tried to get her attention but she wasn't.

"What's going on!?" I yelled in shock as I then noticed out the window a huge purple storm cloud with an eerie purple tornado far in the distance. "That's not good." I said as I quickly ran out of the room and saw that I was in the hospital and that all the ponies were in the similar situation all the while the Pokémon were trying to help. "Looks like Giovanni has done something. Time to stop him. Only this time, I'm ready. But first!" I yelled as I ran up to a Chansey.

"Chansey! I need a heal and fast!" I said as I ran up to it

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"Chansey! I need a heal and fast!" I said as I ran up to it. "Chansey." She nods as she heads me an egg. "Thank you." I said as I quickly eat it and I feel myself being healed. "Yeah! Alright, time to stop this. If anyone ask about me from the room. Tell them that I went to save the world from something." I said as I ran to stop Giovanni.

Celestia pov:

"Yes! This is the Pokémon that will help me rule the Pokémon world!" Giovanni laughs as I was standing in the ready to fight. "But first!" He yells as he pulls out a strange purple ball?

"Go! Master Ball!" He yells as he throws it at the Eternatus which catches it with its claw and crushed it

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"Go! Master Ball!" He yells as he throws it at the Eternatus which catches it with its claw and crushed it. ".....Huh? That never happened before?" He said in confusion as the Eternatus began to charge up a huge attack which I quickly use protect. "Mewtwo! Protect!" He yells as his Pokémon flies towards him and pulls out a protect as the Eternatus fires an eerie pinkish purple beam at the Mewtwo which causes a huge explosion knocking me back and crash throw a stone wall.

"Gahhhhh!!!!" I yelled in pain as I slowly got up to see the smoke clears and there was no sign of Giovanni or Mewtwo. Just the eternatus. "Alright big guy. Unfortunately, I can't allow you to escape. So prepare for your defeat!" I yelled as I charge at it which it then quickly flies and glows for some reason until I felt gravity intensified as I braced to keep standing as my feet made huge cracks underneath me, making me stopped for a split second until the Eternatus spins around and its tail flashes purple before slamming into my side knocking me to another wall.

"Gahhh!!" I yelled as I felt the hit and for some reason pain in my insides. "It must've used Poison tail." I growled "but how? I'm immune to poison attacks?" I thought in confusion as I looked up to see a huge ball of flames coming right at me. "I can't fight this thing by myself!" I thought as I quickly use a teleport but I felt some of the attack before vanishing.

No pov:

As the fire blast explodes and in its wake was a wave of flames but Celestia was not there. The Eternatus does a small roar before firing a huge meteor beam to the roof of the dungeon which goes through it leaving a huge path to the sky which it quickly flies up before stopping once it reaches outside of the dungeon and into the daylight and let's out a victory roar.

Twilight pov:

It was pure agony. I felt my entire head being shocked by a mysterious thing and it was painful. I couldn't stop yelling and everything around me was ignored until I finally felt the shocking began to die down. "Ughhh!!!! Finally." I sighed as I saw everypony else were slowly recovering from what we that was. But then Celestia in her Solgaleo form came crashing in. "What the!?" We all yelled as I quickly ran up to her. "Celestia! What happened!?" I yelled in worry as I saw she had some burn marks.

"Ughhh.... I think we may have a problem.... And I don't think I can take on it by myself." She groaned as she collapses onto the floor. "Quick! Get a nur-" I paused as I saw Pinkie's mane and tail were down. "Uhhhhh... why is your mane down?" I asked in worry. "It is? That's odd? I'm not depressed?" She said in confusion. "Uh guys! I cant seem to fly?!" Rainbow yells in worry as her wings wouldn't help her fly, just flap and not picking her up as well as Fluttershy or Gabby's.

"Hey ummm... Twi? I think my legs are having a hard time keeping me up a bit". Applejack said as her legs were shaking. "What?" I said as I tried to do some magic and felt nothing. "This can't be good?" I said in worry. "(Y/n)'s gone!?" Rarity yells. "What!?" Me and Pinkie yelled out as we saw the empty bed of where (y/n) was supposed to be. "Where did he/she go!?" I yelled in panic. "He/she.... Must've left.... To.... Fight...." Spike was trying to say but his voice was very raspy and he can't seem to fully say his words fast.

"Oh Spike?" I said as I ran up to hug him. "He/she must've went out to fight whatever is causing our magic to fail." I concluded based on what was going on. "That crazy pony. He/she is gonna get himself/herself killed by whatever hurt Celestia." Applejack said. "We need to stop him/her!" Rarity said in worry. "How? He/she had a head start and we can't exactly catch up." Rainbow said. "Also Luna isn't here?" Pinkie said.

"She must've went out to help other ponies who were also suffering the way we were.... The foals!?!" I yelled in fear. "Oh my babies!?" I cried. "We need to teach whoever did this a lesson!?!" I yelled in anger and ready to fight. "Wasn't it this Giovanni guy that Spike was talking about." Gabby said. "His name is gonna be RIP once I'm done with him!" I growled.

"Ok.... Let's try to not think about bad thoughts and think of a way to help (y/n), who is probably gonna be looking for a rematch and is gonna need help." Pinkie said as she began rubbing my shoulders trying to calm me down. "Well, If we can't do magic then...." I began to think of something until I remember that Luna was a Pokémon and she left which means.. "I have an idea, but we have to be fast!" I said as I made the motion to run so I could tell them my plan. "Please be careful (y/n). I don't want to see you hurt again... especially since I'm gonna hurt you for running off to get yourself hurt again!" I thought in anger of (y/n) going out without us just to get hurt again and for making me worried right not.

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