The Crystal Empire part ten

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Previously on the Sword of Harmony:

Sunset pov:

"Ok, I think I have an idea." Shining said after a while. "What's the plan?" I asked him. "Well, I know that the three of us can't fight those dragons without help and we can't leave incase they attack the empire. But I think I have an idea. What if one of us head to Canterlot to get back up and the two of us will stay incase they attack and we can use this chance to find Spike." He told us as a small rumbling was being made. "Now I do have an idea of who should go to Canterlot but it's gonna require-"

"Does anypony else feel that rumbling?" Aj interrupts as the rumbling had gotten louder until it stops. "Hey guys!" We heard the familiar voice which we looked up to see Spike! And #¥€%*&$ terrifying dragon!?!! "Is that Kyurem!?" Aj yells as Spike jumps of the dragons back and ran up to us. "Yep! And he's gonna help us get past Zekrom and Reshiram! Also I found the Queen, who is also the Heart." He says as he holds up a sphere.

".......Uhhhh Spike.... I don't think-" I began but I was interrupted. "Hi! My name is Magearna and it's so good to speak with ponies again! How are you?" The sphere asks. "Uhhhhhhhh..... good?" I awkwardly said. "Your the heart!? I kinda thought the heart would look different." "Well I used to be a huge heart shaped pink crystal before I got a soul. But yeah! I'm the heart and I just can't wait to be back in my body again." She said.

"That's why Kurem is gonna take on the two dragons and once the fire goes out we must go in and return her back to her body. Then all of the Pokémon in the empire will have their hearts restored." Spike told us. "That's great! But where is your body?" I asked her. "It's inside the castle. It was too heavy for Sombra to move it that he just left it on the throne and he just turned another room to his own throne room." She explained to us.

"It's really that heavy? Even for magic?" Aj asks. "It was made by science and magic so it kinda is.... But that's only when I'm not in my body. When I'm in the body it's get lighter.... But-" "Uh that's good to know in all but, we kinda have an empire to save." Shining told her. "Right, right, right.... Alright Kyurem! It's go time!" She yells as Kyurem jumps off the cliff and begins to charge at the fire tornado.

No pov:

The two dragons then noticed Kyurem and they roared and began to charge. Reshiram then fires a huge Fusion Flare which Kyurem jumps as Zekrom begins to be covered in a ball of blue electricity and charges at kyurem. Kyurem fires a Glaciate to counter which knocks Zekrom back. Reshiram then fires a Blue flare as Kyurem lands on the ground. It hits kyurem and a blast of smoke was made. Then five gigantic Icicle spear's which hits Reshiram.

Reshiram falls to the ground as the fire tornado goes out. Zekrom roars and it's claw begins to be covered in electricity and charges at Kyurem. Meanwhile the ponies, Magearna, and Spike saw that the tornado is done and they began running while the two dragons were distracted.

Your pov:

"So how's the wing feeling?" I asked Fluttershy. "It doesn't hurt anymore. Although it does feel weird." She says as she pull out her ruined wing. "I'm sorry this happened to you Fluttershy." "I should've been there. Maybe I could've prevented it." Twilight and rainbow said. "Oh Rainbow don't be sad. I'm okay." Fluttershy said as she pulled Rainbow into a hug. "I'm also sorry for being the reason that you lost half of your wing!" Pinkie cried as Fluttershy then pulled her into a hug.

"There, there. I don't blame you for what happened. I would do it again just to keep you safe." She reassured Pinkie. "I'm glad that I hit that punk Skarmory.... Although it would've been good to hit it harder..... although it's heart was darken.... Not sure how I'm supposed to feel." I said in confusion when I thought about this situation. "At any case, I'm just glad that you are ok and not in pain." Twilight said. "Agreed. I'm sure all of your friends are glad to see that your ok." Cadence says.

"If you want, I could try to make a fake wing part for you. I know it won't work like your old wing but it would make it feel like your old wing." Rarity said. "Thanks and I'm sure it would be nice." Fluttershy said as Trixie bursts in. "Guys! The fire tornado has died!" She yells. "What!?" We all yelled as half of us ran to the window to see that it was indeed true.

"Did shiny found a way!" Cadence says. "Maybe! Or maybe help has arrived!" I yelled as a blast of fire, electricity, and ice blew to the sky and it was followed by a explosion. "Whoever is here, they must be strong!" Rainbow yells in excitement. "We need to get ready to help. They might need help." Twilight said as we nod. "Ummmm.... Guys?" Pinkie said. "Yeah?" I said. "I think my water just broke?" She said as we all looked to see water on the ground underneath Pinkie.

"Now!? Seriously!?" Twilight yells in fear and surprise. "But I haven't gotten all the needed supplies!" She adds. "Quick use my bed!" I said in panic as I quickly lead Pinkie to the bed. "Rainbow get one of the doctors and fast!" Cadence yells as Rainbow zooms out of the room. "I can't believe this is happening now!?" Rarity yells in excitement. "Where's my birth plan!?" Twilight yells. "I think it's at the hotel." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So the image above is the cover for the manga turned anime called Tonde Burin(Super Pig) I found out about this on a 10 weird anime's on a

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So the image above is the cover for the manga turned anime called Tonde Burin(Super Pig) I found out about this on a 10 weird anime's on a.... Entertainment thing on google? Idk. This series is a magical girl comedy series which is about a girl who feeds a hungry yellow pig who turns out to fly and talk. Thanks to her help he gives her a pig snout which when she says a certain word she becomes Super pig! Which she looks like the pig on the image in the middle. Of course she can change it after she does a certain amount of good deeds. Also there's a downside that if anyone finds out her identity she will stuck in the form of a pig forever. It's really a strange series and I really wish I could see it but unfortunately, there is nowhere to watch it and I can't find a dvd on Amazon that would work for US dvd players..... it sucks really because I really want to see this series. Also I can't even find the manga on Amazon either. I am forever stuck of never seeing this series in all of its crazy glory.

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