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The tunnel was small and cramped but we made it through the darkness, there was pushing a shoving until I hard a thud and finally light as Mystery lit up balls of like she used to do in the air next to her.

I was in awe for a second as it burnt silver now but it was not a real surprise.

"The ancient archives." I said, it was the library that helped with the void. "That connects to the archive room which is just off of the throne room."

"And from there going up the spiraling staircase would lead us to an area where we can safe hop onto the roof." Mystery added on.

"So you think the advisers will be in the throne room I assume." Calypso said.

"Affirmative, Calypso, you and Em are with me for the advisers while the rest follow Belladonna up already got it?"

"You'll fit perfectly as the head mage." Belladonna said with a smile before Mystery pulled me along and we lead them out of this place.

There were no guards all the way there, Mystery peeked into the throne room.

"You both take one." She whispered too the two mages.

In a moments notice the five men were gone, one was frozen, the other was strangled by plants and the three last chocked on water.

"Both of you go."

"This was the easy part." She said to to herself as we were standing on the inner part of the slanted roof. We all heard cracking and groaning of wood. "No...."

"Mystery wait!" I tried grabbing her arm but I missed by a hair, not wanting her to see any off it... But I missed and now she ran over to the side where she could be seen but she stopped before going too far, frozen from shock from myself.

"Oh my gods." Belladonna said almost horrified as  we all walked up to the top to look over it and see.

The elm was so damaged I thought it was a log that was pulled of a fire pit, holes burnt in the bark, leaves burning, the roots off it swinging a second before now limp and unmoving and these monsters didn't stop. The whole army of wild mages they had going ham on it.

I laid a hand on her shoulder as the groaning of the wood was so loud it echoed to our ears as the tree was slowly tilting to the left.

I was hurt by the pain visible in her eyes as she covered her mouth in horror, I knew it.... Merlin knew they would die.... I knew it....

"Father..... Mother....." She whispered as the rest of the roots got pulled from the ground by the tilting tree before, suddenly, the truck of it snapped  in several place and crashed down.

"Mystery keep calm." Belladonna turned her away from the carnage and forced her to stare into her eyes. "Keep calm dear, we get out of this alive and then we cry okay?" She gave a jerky nod. "Deep breaths, now.... First we live and then we cry."

"First we live and then we cry." She repeated in a voice that could breath in moments.

I watched her sit back on the hidden part of the roof and close her eyes.

it was a while before something changed.

"WE ARE FOUND!!!" My sister yelled as a man climbed out the window, I pulled my blade out and stabbed in through his face, the corpse tumbling down the side of the roof.

"They are climbing up the side!" Eleric yelled. looking down the side of the roof facing what remained of the elm.

I shoved another one off the roof before ice covered it, it was clear as I looked through it but I saw it covered the inside of the building too.

Mystery was back up so I guess she did as told and talked with the dragon queen.

She didn't spare a look before summoning her silver fire that blazed up her arm before throwing it at the nearest men climbing the building.

I watched as I sheathed my blade as one throw lead to one less enemy even if they kept coming from somewhere.

After a long while Amalia walked to her she shook her gently, it was scary how efficient she was all by herself as the others were all focusing on the other side.

"Mystery slow down you'll tire yourself out you've been going for a long time."

"And yet they are still coming Amalia." She snapped but still stopped, watching the five other mages continue their attack.

I was in awe at how many wild mages this Aurelius had at his disposition as it was noon now and they just kept coming, no end in sight,

Suddenly a loud dragon roar pierced through the clashing of elements as a shadow flew over us.

"Go!!" Mystery yelled as she watched the wave of fire cascade down the side of the building, a gift from the dragon queen to the enemy, she spun around the building and stopped by us, hovering near as Emersme pulled me towards the dragon while running.

"Jump humans!!" She growled out with such a glare at the oncoming mages.

Emersme jumped across before Leo helped threw me over, doing the same with the rest of my family, each one of the mages grabbing someone as I head a dorsal spin, looking back towards Mystery.

"BEHIND YOU!" But I don't think she heard me in the commotion.

Aurelius must have said something as she whipped around and blasted the man behind her and he shrieked... He's hurt! His body melting like wax under silver fire.

"This is a payback for my parents, uncle Aurelius!!" I heard her scream as she blasted fire, melting him more as it blasted her onto the dragon's back.

He shrieked so loudly my ears hurt as Mystery grabbed me just as the dragon shot forwards with a powerful wing flap.

"Gods damn." Leo whispered over the wind.

I held on her tightly as only she was keeping me from flying off it, seeing how ice was solid around her arm on the scale and around her boots.

I looked as I saw a flash of light, the pin sized black dot quickly growing and saw it near, I reached past her, trying to call the void forth before it touched us, closing my eyes.

But someone else was faster.

"Belladonna." I heard her whisper and opened my eyes, also looking at the head mage. The head mage was standing between us and where the blast came from, standing stable on rthe back of the dragon without any magical help.

"Mystery." She said, looking back at us, mostly her. "You can't let despair win."

I covered my mouth as Mystery let out a scream, my eyes fixated on the huge hole left in her chest, blood pooling out of it and on her clothes.

"Belladonna!!!" She yelled again, reaching out as she let go of me and I gripped her as hard as I could, watching in horror as the head mage stumbles slightly in place.

"I am so proud of you." She said with a smile before her legs completely gave out and her body crashed against the dragon's scales before she slipped off and fell towards the ground.

"NOOOOO!!!!"Her scream was the loudest of all the mages calling out to her.


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