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I hadn't seen Mystery all morning, so I knew something was up.

I was all healed up with the help of elves who were here for the trials, but she hadn't come to check in with me.

I was reading in my room but was distracted, leading me to read the same sentence a few times before I gave up and closed it, marking the page before it.

I walked to the window and opened it, only to almost instantly close it but I still could hear the sounds.

"Oh damn they move fast."

I blushed at the inappropriate image in my head before hurrying out of my room.

I sighed, bored, so I decided that this time I'd give her a surprise visit like she likes to do. After all what bad could it do?

I stood a bit away from the mages quarters, looking at the big tree growing next to it, getting an idea, an eye for an eye Mystery.

I snuck around the side to not be spotted by the head mage, hearing Belladonna complain to Calypso how a sick Mystery couldn't listen to her for once.

I jogged to the tree and looked for a hold on the bark before giving up and walking to the back of the house, being the heir I knew more then people thought, like how this house was built and what room was given to which mage.

I rolled a barrel from the back entrance all the way to the tree and stood it up, climbing up it helped me reach the first branch and pull myself up, the hardest is done.

I climbed up it to her window.

There was a little jump from the branch to the window so I just took a deep breath and jumped.

I gasped as my left leg slipped off the window sill but I jammed my arms into the side of the frame, holding myself with all my strength, this is not high but I can still hurt myself.

I knocked on the window.

She sat up in her bed and opened the window with a look I never saw on her face before, utter and complete speechlessness.

"Excuse my English but what the fuck Audrey?" She said, opening the casement of her window.

"You use my window I use yours, equivalent exchange... Now help me I jumped from the nearest tree branch without planning it through." I heard her chuckle but cough through the end as she grabbed my forearm and pulled my inside.

I fell on her bed when she pulled me inside, sitting on her legs.

"There." I got off her and on the ground, dusting off my outfit. "I can do what I do with my magic don't go trying to scale up a wall."

"You could do that."

"Because I was trained to know to do most things."

"Okay so I wanted to see you."

"We saw each other yesterday."

"I know but I already missed you." I took the one chair I saw in the room and sat down on it, sitting near her bed. "And I heard Belladonna mention you were sick."

"Don't worry Belladonna will do her stuff to make me better soon." I hope so, she doesn't look good.

"You better, what will I do without my mage?"

"Marry Emersme, he wouldn't lose." I laughed as I had also came to that conclusion on my own.

"If he wasn't bedding my brother I'd shrug and go with it knowing it would end up with us only being together for public image but with those whom we love behind the walls." Mystery almost choked on her spit because she started coughing loudly.

"Bedding your brother?!" She asked when she caught her breath.

"The walls aren't thin but if your room's window is open while his is too you hear things, which is partially why I came here in the first place."

"Well seems he grew a pair." She whispered, I didn't know about which boy she was talking about and I didn't want to know honestly. "At the first feast when we met he had asked me for help with getting to prince Eleric since he said I was already good with your family."

"So he too stalked Eleric like we kept each other under observation."

"He sure did, his goals being to get his prince to get interest in him and be the first to speak with the elm tree." Oh I knew, only the mage didn't know that we all knew.

"You didn't tell him you already did that?" It would be a disappointment to him to not be the first.

"I don't give away my secrets everyday Audrey."

"Oh right only I realized it."

"I wonder why." She smiled.

"Well because I am irresistible." I said, flipping my braided hair over my shoulder with a similar grin to hers.

"You sure are Audrey you sure are."

I felt something soft against my leg and looked down, awe a cat, I cooed gently as I pet it and picked it up.

"You never told me you had a cat! Ah so soft!" Mystery ended up laugh coughing when I hugged the cat, I heard it make a slight displease meow.

"Never asked."

"What's his name?"

"Her, and it is Nix, my old lady."

"Awe she's adorable."

I stay with her but she soon was sleeping again, I stayed for a while longer, sickness does make you tired.

I pet the cat before putting her on Mystery's bed.

"Sleep well and get better soon." I kissed her forehead with a smile.

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