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"What happened?"

"Who did it?"

"Why didn't she get healed it will cost her the win."

"I bet she pissed off a guard."

And many whispers fused through the remaining competitors and the rest of the people here and I couldn't block them out.

I haven't been able to talk to Mystery this morning when I tried, the mages saying she was avoiding them too. But as I waited with my mother I spotted familiar silver.

"I'll be back." I said quickly, I had told her today what went down because it caused a ruckus with the skin-taker. She told me what I already knew, that this was my problem to fix.

"Go." She let me but this once I wouldn't have accepted a no, even from her.

I approached her, wanting to say something, I knew she noticed me even with her back to me as she picked her head up.

"Not right now." She said so cold. "We can talk but not right now." She said, looking over her shoulder to look at me. "Highness." My heart broke a little more at the bitterness I heard in that one word.

I took a deep breath, so conflicted, my mistake was glaring back at me with that scar on her face. That scar was mocking me, reminding me how much of an idiot I became, giving into emotions and throwing out logic and coherent thoughts, letting emotions decide what was true and false.... How could I ever raise a sword... A simple hand.... Towards her?

"Right." I said, giving a nod and watched her spun her staff, grabbing the middle and snapping it against her arm with a smack noise, I wanted to ask if it hurt but she didn't want to talk...

"The Dragon's Garden?" She asked gently despite it all.

"Yes of course Mystery."

"I'll be there Highness." That wretched word again.... Highness.... I hate it.... I hate her saying it...

She turned and walked passed me, I let her, pulling myself a bit to the side as I rubbed my upper arm and looked at the ground.

I saw her boots stop next to me and I didn't dare look up.

"I do not blame you." She said softly before walking away.

Those words struck hard, I had the feeling I would throw up they hit so hard.

"Mystery." My voice wavering as I wanted to cry again but kept it inside. "Don't lose." I whispered before sharply breathing in.

"I'd never Highness." She promised.

I was distracted, sitting lost in thought until I saw Mystery on the ring, facing down Emersme.

Mystery held her staff two handed as Emersme had an unconventional weapon, it was daggers tied to the end of chains, he held the chain length and spun them once, clearly showing he was proficient with the weapon.

As the gong rang it was as if both knew what the other was going to do, Emersme throwing the chained blade out and she easily deflected it.

She took one step and swung, I tensed at the violence as if he hadn't pulled the chain over his head with both hands to block the staff she could have seriously hurt him.

She used the leverage of the chain to let part of the staff go and he jerked to the side enough at the staff had hit his inner thigh and not where the sun doesn't shine.

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