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I was nervous.

The trials are starting.

I was drumming my fingers on the wooden throne's armrest, five were set up on an elevated wooden platform for my family and a lower section for other people to be judges.

I looked to my side, Mother was sitting in the middle with me to her left and Eleric to her right while Mirrel was on the far left and Meridith on the far right.

The was a mage between each of us, next to me was Belladonna and Emersme, unfortunately I was far from Mystery.

"People!" Mother's voice rang out as she stood up. "The trials start today!" There was loud cheering at that declaration, making me cringe on the inside. "Many of you came to fight for my daughter's hand as the champions of your people, I have also brought two of my own champions! Mages!" Emersme and Mystery stepped forth at the same time, still staring at the crowd. "The marshes man and the silver dragon shall also compete!" I saw many people whisper, the mages are competing on home soil, they have the advantage and people know it. They turned to look at us when they had joined the competitors down there. "I will let head mage Belladonna explain the first trial!" Mother sat down and only then stepped forth the head mage.

"The first trial will be a trial by Alernia!" I frowned a little before my brother elbowed me, I wiped the look off my face.
Alernia is dangerous, if nothing else this is what we all must remember, the smell of the kidnapping plant. "As you all know it is a highly poisonous flower with a distinct smell. It will make the one consuming it hallucinate and play with their mind but it is also known that a strong minded individual can fight through the haze of it, that will be the first trial, before gathering here the servants gave you each a vial, I will ask of you to empty its contents into your mouth after laying in the grass as the effects are almost immediate. The competitors that make it through the haze before the sunset go on, those that fall too deep in the haze or don't wake in time will be disqualified. To help the queen in her rule we need strong minded individuals."

Soon I was overlooking a field of people laying next to each other.

"Uncap the vials!"

I covered my nose, the scent of this plant was so strong it filled the air in an instant, just breathing it in can affect you.

"If needed us mages have the antidote, tell us if any of you feel the effect until the smell dissipates." Belladonna said to us before loud declaring. "Drink and let the trial begin!"

I bit my lip, the huge amount of coughs that was heard left me uncomfortable.

I kept chewing on my lip in worry as Mystery glanced at me with a smile before closing her eyes.

Good luck.

The mages walked off the wooden platform, leaving Belladonna be the only one remaining by us.

"What are they doing?" Mirrel asked.

"Well young prince we have antidotes prepared, mages are taught to see when someone fell too deep into the hallucination and won't be able to escape it themselves."

"That was pure Alernia no?" Mother asked with the hint of a smile. "How evil of you dear head mage."

"What can I say majesty? I changed the trial up a bit as we both know some people need to win while taking out those we don't want." I used most of my willpower to not look at either of them as I knew they were talking about Mystery.

"But a mage could fail no?" Eleric asked. "If you changed the allowed dose of the kidnapping plant it will make it harder on them too."

"Yes but I have faith in my mages and know they will make it out, maybe not at the first ones but they will."

She was right, Mystery was nowhere near the first to awaken, and they all end up throw blue stuff up all over the ground.

I was starting to worry but Belladonna was still confident so I tried to not worry.

Finally I saw her jerk up to a sitting position as Calypso was walking near her.

I cringed when she threw up dark blue liquid, not moving for a while.

She looked around, there is still half the competition asleep.

I watched Calypso say something to her while she held out a handkerchief to use to wipe her face off.

They talked about something before she grinned and looked my way.

I couldn't help but smile back.

The first trial is won.

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