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We stood further down the hallways to not hear as I tried to wrap my head around this.

Them.... Being related to her made a lot of sense, her powerful magic, her ability to turn into a dragon, just... Everything was clicking into place in a puzzle I didn't even know I was trying to solve, I wanted to know Mys-Ari-her secrets but these were secrets she didn't even know herself, hidden deep in her.

"So you are the one." I looked up at Merlin who followed us out, he stood near me, looking down as I sat there.

"Who?" I looked at him, standing up.

"I'd offer a hand but you'rs would pass through mine, I didn't know much about you but I knew of the basics from Arian--Or Mystery as she wants us to call her."

"She told you about me?" I asked. 

"Yes, she cares for you a lot, I tried to warn her about the skin-taker and what they did but when she woke up she was too late."

I looked down in shame.

"I am sorry to have hurt your daughter, I didn't mean it."

"Audrey I know you didn't and I am not here to judge you." He turned his back to me and lifted the back of his ghost clothes, showing three horribly deep scars across his back. "Seraphim did this to me."

"And you forgive her?"

"Almost right away, I knew she didn't mean it." He turned back to me, seemingly I was the only one he wanted to talk to as he didn't spare a glance at those near me who were listening in on our discussion. "I think she took her forgiving nature from me so don't beat yourself up, I know she doesn't blame you."

"Right.... I thought you had purple eyes."

"I do used have them yes but I am dead and this elm is my body, now my eyes are the color its bark has but when I lived I was the first of the purple eyes when I made my pact, at the start simply for war, with my dear Seraphim."

"You never had the void as magic."

"No but the book you read with Mystery is old but not as long as I am, it has its errors and Mystery also made a few in her translation, when I tried to trap my brother inside my magic it was so dense that it slipped over into the opposite of magic, something that was nothing and feeding on all magic, I guess I accidentally tied it too the purple eyes when I died moments after creating the void accidentally."

"That explains a few things.... Since you are here, answer me a few questions."

"I will gladly answer any question from the one my daughter chose." I blushed at his words before clearing my throat.

"I suppose she took her coldness from Seraphim." 

"That is not a question but she's the only true dragon human hybrid that exists, taking as much from me and she did her, she is truly a dragon soul in human skin and a human soul in dragon scales but don't worry that will change nothing to your relationship, she'll love you as long as you both live."

"That long??" I said in shock as it was not uncommon to fall out of love unfortunately and I accidentally forced that on us with the accident.

"Yes, a dragon only loves once." He smiled, looking dreamy as if he remembered something from when he was alive. "They can try and deny it but once the heart chose, the dragon will always love the one that stole it."

I smiled softly to myself, I love her a lot too.

"You have been observing our lives since you died." He nodded. "Then you saw the other purple eyes that were born through the history of humanity." Another nod. "Then tell me, how to control the void, please, I cannot let the darkness win."

"I am deeply sorry to have failed to take my brother out, leaving you to deal with my mistake but at the same time I know it was inevitable as when I first saw Mystery brought to the castle I knew she was here because fate had deemed it time for her to come back to the castle and knew Aurelius would be soon behind." He sighed in disappointment to himself. "And not only she but you are stuck now in this deadly future."

"The void?" I asked, he having gone on a tangent.

"Oh yes of course, the void, Mystery was right saying it is connected to emotions but it was not hate or fear I had when fighting my brother but hope, hope he'd just stop and see his mistake, sadness when I needed to kill him and failed, happiness despite my imminent death that he would be stopped for a long time... It doesn't need to be negative emotions you dip into to summon the void, you can rely on love, happiness, joy, hope."


"You know the feeling and the one of the flower too, just think of something you love and when you finally win again the flower you will be able to conjure up the same feeling with the same thoughts."

"So I must find a thought that isn't common but happy so I don't always void everything."

"Yes, that would be for the best." He said amused. "The void doesn't care for what type of magic, it just consumes and consumes as long as it is open and there is something left to consume so you need to be able to not constantly think about it once you master it." So nothing that's connected to Mystery would be the best.


"Do you have more questions?" I looked at his body flickering like a dying fire. "I cannot stay too far from that room or my body soul will flicker out. That chamber lets me keep this appearance. I'll gladly answer questions but I need to head back."

"No... For now it will be good."

"Alright, happy to have met you."

"The same." I said as he was already walking away.

.Eyes Of Void.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora