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When I was summoned to the throne room by maids a slice of sun earlier then my training was supposed to be finished I could already tell something was wrong as she'd never interrupt it, finding it too important for us to learn.

I exchanged a worried look with Eleric before steeling my expression and heading to meet mother.

"Excuse me mother for not having changed but I thought it was important enough for clothing choice to be ignored." I said standing in front of her in clothes similar to the ones I wore for riding Firel yesterday but a black corset on instead of a tunic.

"It indeed is, come here daughter of mine." I walked to the throne, there were smaller ones on each side of her for us but I didn't sit down on mine.

"What is wrong?"

"Solor might be powerful but many of the monarchs ask for a trial, and I officially agreed to it today... I am sorry." I froze, all but that.

A trial would be made of tests people because I'd be a queen and I'd need a consort worth of the title so they'd all fight for the right to marry me and I have no say in it.

"It cannot be..." At the party it was still uncertain that it would happen but now...

"I needed to accept, Solor is strong but when more then six king and queendoms demand the trials even I cannot say no, I am sorry dear, really."

"I... I need some time." 

"Of course, you are free to go." I turned away and speed walked out of the room.

I made my way to the dragon's garden, checking no one was around this time, I really wanted to be alone.

I sat on the edge of the fountain and looked at the ground, my elbows resting on my knees and fingers intertwined.

The trials were a must since I am not already with someone, mother avoided them by randomly declaring she had already married my father in secret, he was unaware of this but played along, they were just friends before they fell in love because of that.

Since I don't have someone already and mother was forced to already accept the trials right away I cannot just randomly choose Mystery for example tho I am sure she'd have gladly helped me out like father had helped mother.

"What troubles you today Highness?" I heard her, how does she always find me when I feel so down? A sixth sense of hers I swear.

"Many troubles weigh on me." I said truthfully, leaning back and resting my forearms on my thighs and hands hanging between my legs.

"Are any of them something I can help with?" I knew it, she'd help but unfortunately...

"Mage if you could cancel the tournament that will be organised to win my hand in marriage I'd appreciate." I said with a sigh.

"I am sorry Highness but such request is impossible to fulfill."

"So I feared and soon mother will want me to meet with our neighbors." She had told me this earlier today.

"Also about the tournament?"

"Possibly, when they hear of this all allowed men and women will try, oh dread, gods, what will become of me?"

"Highness it will all be fine don't worry." She was trying to reassure me but this wasn't working this time, she couldn't change my fate.

"My mother's hand has been forced into this despite her being the queen of the most powerful queendom, the place built from the last stronghold of humanity and yet I am still forced into this and end up with someone my heart doesn't want."

"Does it have someone it wants?" She asked as she sat next to me, her hair its usual cute mess.

"Not yet." Was my answer, I might have a slight feeling in my chest but I am not sure what I feel yet.

"Don't worry Highness I am sure things will get better."

"You are so nice mage."

"What can I say? Leaving a beautiful woman to wail in sorrow? What would that make me be?" I smiled a bit.

"I would remind you that I am not wailing in sorrow." I laughed while saying that, watching her smile too.

"Mage Mystery." I would have loved to talk more but we both turned to the guard calling her name. "The queen requires your presence in the throne room." Probably to help prepare the trials she'd have take place as soon as possible to have it be over with.

"Very well." She stood and bowed to me before following the man.

I waved as she walked away, knowing she wouldn't see it anyway.

I stayed back a bit, enjoying the calmness of the garden, I saw only the gardeners and Mystery frequent it and if Mystery came here it must be the calmest place here, I can feel I'll be spending some time here.

I left soon enough, heading to my room, I'll just be in my room, no one will bother me in there even if the news of the tournament spreads, my family knows how this displeases me.

I laid on my bed in my outside clothes but hair out of its usual braid, staring at the ceiling.

"If only you could help." I said remembering Mystery's willingness to help out. "If only."

.Eyes Of Void.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ