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As soon as the gong rang the male mage threw a bolt of lightning Mystery's way but since she was ready she avoided it by dropping to the ground. I don't know if this was the best choice but it was a choice.

She rolled aside, shifting her feet so at the end she was back up on them.

"How can a woman be the silver dragon?" I felt offended even tho he was talking to her and not me, teach him a lesson Mystery.

"What can I say? Easier to fight without those sacks of rotten sperm that you have hanging between your legs, they sure obscure your vision." I choked on my spit and did my best to not die then and there, coughing while nudging Eleric who look offended now because of what I hinted at.

"I'll teach you reason!"

I got a smack on the head when no one was looking at us anymore.

She stomped her foot on the ground and a wall of ice was create in front of her to block the jet of fire, I saw our other mages that weren't participating on the side of ring send the rest of the fire up in the sky, redirecting the magic that would hit the crowd watching and observing the fight.

She picked up her leg and kicked her sole flat against the ice and sent the whole wall of it at the man.

"Come at me then." She taunted, her head tilted and dropping her arms down, leaving her guard open on purpose, inviting an attack, she is playing with him.

"He is letting his emotions control him." I whispered to mother, leaning a bit closer to her to do so while not taking my eyes off the fight.

"Yes, we make sure ours keep a cool head." By not teaching them, tho I didn't voice that complaint, when I am queen I will make sure that won't happen. "Something more?" She already knew the answers, as queen she knows much but I didn't.

"You'll pay with your blood, I will be the consort." He yelled while pulling out a sword.

"I'll say when I see more." I said to my mother, sitting back up straight.

"We'll see." Mystery unsheathed her new sword, it was longer then his, like the size of a bastard sword's length but she didn't seem to struggle holding it with her one hand... Isn't she a lefty? Why use her right hand? Is her left shoulder really THAT hurt? Then she is fighting really good if that's the case.

She turned to her side and folded her left arm against her lower back, holding the sword as if it was a rapier for fencing, just how light is that sword?

The man lifted the blade and rested it flat across his other arm, aimed at her face.

She made a small step, almost a shuffle, hitting her sword down on top of his own.

She was smirking, I remember how she told me she saw fights as dances, dangerous ones but dances anyway, and I could see it in her fluid and methodical way of moving, as if she had memorized this and was just going by memory, switching it up when her partner did something unexpected and staying on the beat.

She did it again, doing simple useless beat attacks with her blade, always destabilizing him.

"He is too spontaneous, no basic plan."

"Yes, we teach the mages to be great strategists too."

She flicked her wrist to avoid his own beat attack and with a twist of her wrist, slashed him across his face with the point of her blade before it naturally found itself in a position for an easy parry of his sword again, it slide along hers and got stuck on the quite small cross guard of her sword.

She slammed her free hand across his face, making him stumble away from her as she stepped away and pointed her blade back at him.

"You.... You're mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elder berry." Mystery's glare was hard, he insulted the only thing he shouldn't have: Her family.

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