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I was in awe at how normally my mother took the disrespect before looking back at the mage, in her abnormal eyes.

"Good, never forget who you were, that's where inner strength lies, in who you were, who you are and who you will be." She bowed the broken bow again.

"I shall keep that in mind Majesty." I saw the dark skinned woman walk away and the silver haired remained with us, I hope she is the one called Mystery, it would be shameful to ask that now.

"Your eyes..." I whispered before covering my mouth with a slight pink hue coming over my face as she looked at me, how impolite of me. "Pardon me I meant to say that your eyes, they are captivating." I corrected myself as I watched her grab a tall wine glass from a passing platter, swirling the liquid around in it.

"No harm has been done princess, my eyes have always been a point of interest to the people as eyes of dragons aren't seen on humans all that often

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"No harm has been done princess, my eyes have always been a point of interest to the people as eyes of dragons aren't seen on humans all that often." She said and I couldn't help but agree, she then took a sip of wine and lifted it up in the air. "And I lift my glass to you and your succession on the throne your Highness."  I was taken aback at the fluent Draklian I was hearing, so she DID understand us at the ritual with the dragons, she heard them mention her that's why she must have been moving... Interesting to know.

"I thought only the head mage and the royal family knew dragon speech." My brother voiced the awe we both shared.

"There are many things I can do my fair prince." She said with no more details to add.

"And that's why head mage Belladonna has been tasked to educate mage Mystery in the ways and tasks of the head mages, my intuition never lies and I feel like mage Mystery will fit her role perfectly." So she is indeed the one called Mystery... She fits her name magnificently, in such a small discussion intriguing me with her many secrets.

"If I were to accept your Majesty."

"Yes, your and you unwillingness for a title and politics but we both know you are up to the tasks." I wonder why she doesn't likes those things... I am not a fan of the over played theatrics but it is interesting once you get over it. But for the title part I can't come up with a reason.

"I'll drink to that your Majesty." She said, it stung as it was more disrespect without truly being it, you'd only talk like this between close friends or family not to your queen but she didn't say anything bad.

"Blatant disrespect as respectfully as you can, that's a skill few have."

"What can I say your Majesty? Learnt from the best." She said as she reached into the pouch on her side and pulled it out, holding one seed that she made bloom into a flower with a stem contrary to those floating around which were just the flower petal parts. "Can I your Highness?" I nodded slightly, lowering my head as she tucked the flower behind my ear.

"Thank you dear mage." I smiled softly.

"The pleasure is mine, cultivating these seeds has been the works of many nights for several years as nightshades just bloom on nights where there is no moon in the sky."

"These are all nightshades?" Eleric asked while reaching into the air and pulling one down, examining the silver and red flower, now that she said it I can see it.

"It is the same sort of flower, head mage Belladonna called them dragon's blossom as the red inside looks like the fiery insides of a dragon's mouth, I spent countless nights out to create these, they were nightshades once many generations of flowers ago."

"It is spectacular work mage Mystery." She smiled at my words with a soft bow.

"Thank you Highness, unlike nightshades these bloom and close their petals with the rise and set of the sun, the flower I gave you will wilt, all that is keeping all these alive is the magic I supplied to bloom them for this evening but the seed you get can be planted again."

"I'll keep it in mind thank you."

"If I may ask, any suitors your Highness?" I watched her finish the glass and set it on the empty platter of a passing butler as if she had known he'd be there when she did that, not even a glance that way.

"Too many." I sighed in displeasure, ever since I was sixteen everyone was out for my hand in marriage and now it was worse. "And there is talk about a tournament for my hand that will be made."

"The others are pushing my hands unfortunately." Mother added her displeasure too, I didn't blame her but wished it could have been avoided.

"I am sure it will turn to the better your Highness, keep your head up and don't let worry weigh you down."

"You are good with your words." I said, feeling warm at her nice words.

"What can I say? I need to entertain the fools I am lodged with." My mother happily laughed at her words while I covered my mouth again, almost snorting. "Now if you will excuse me I will leave in search of the banquet table."

"Do have a look." Mother said, waving a dismissive hand and the mage broken bowed at her before giving me and Eleric a proper bow.

I watched her make her way through the crowd, hands held behind her back.

I was offered a glass by one of the butlers and it snapped me out of my staring, grabbing it gently between my hands.

"Mother, might I wonder why you let her do so?" I asked.

"I wonder too, that's blatant disrespect." Eleric added.

"Oh it is not offensive." Mother waved it off, sipping her wine.

"But it actually is, so blatant too, people will start to think they can do what they want."

"They won't."

"How do you know?" I asked.

"My children, sometimes taking offence to something is not the right choice. Mage Mystery holds a known grudge against me, she is one of the best mages but will never forgive that to me no matter how many years will pass."

"What is that grudge?"

"You should ask her my dear daughter, if you want to know."

I rose my glass up to my lips but the next second the glass was shattered in my hands by a flash of bright light, the wine splashing on my chest and dress as I yelped softly in surprise.

I turned the way that bright flash came from and saw the crowd had split and now, in complete silence, all were staring at the silver mage who had her hand held up, why did she do this?

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