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"Does it hurt?" I asked, still feeling awkward, not grasping how she so easily forgave my transgression, she looked... Happy.

I had my finger pointing to the burnt wound on her face as I talked

"It is a burn." I yanked my hand back as she turned her head towards me, she just said it hurt and that movement would have pressed her face against my fingers.

"Oh right right sorry." I said awkwardly since it was a stupid question.

"It is fine, I'll get hurt for you as many time as needs to be."

"Lets try to not do that alright? All the other scars on you are already because of something to do with me and this last one is from me directly." I glanced at the one I could see and weren't covered by clothes like what scar the pronged bolt must have left, the cut through her chin from the bow she shot to win her trial for me, the scar through her eyebrow from when we were attacked with the elves.... All pain and scars gotten because of me.

"I told you I don't blame it on you..." She stopped talking, lifting her head more, looking towards the castle. "I'll bring you to your room alright? Belladonna wants to see us all."

"Alright yeah." I nodded.

It felt so cold between us, I just couldn't let go like she did, I couldn't forgive myself for what I did to her face, it would stare me down each time I looked at her.

She led me through the castle and too my room, opening the door for me.

"Hey." She said as I was closing the door, stopping half way.


"I do love you don't forget that." My heart lept into my throat, this was the second time she said that and the second time it had an effect on me.

"Right." I smiled a bit, feeling a bit better. "You know I do too but.."

"The guilt, I know that too don't worry, just try to make your mind accept that it was the skin-taker's fault, not yours.... Nor mine." She said that last part in a whisper so I didn't address it.

"Right, see you soon Mystery, one last fight tomorrow and nothing will stand in the way."

"The last sprint to the finish line, do you know when it will be?"

"Should be right at lunch, middle of the day since that's when the dragon queen will come back to observe the fight."

"Alright Audrey, read a bit, get some sleep and we'll meet tomorrow."

"Same to you."

I closed the door and kept my hand against it before leaning my forehead on it with a small 'thump'.

"Audrey you are an idiot"

My thoughts couldn't help but spin through my head like a wheel, constantly the same action... Looping...

I turned around and frowned more in sadness then anything with a slight amusement to it, the maid that had clean up my mess had put scoops of dirt into a tea cup I had left unattended in my room and put the stomped flower in it, was my love THAT obvious that even the workers knew of it?

I stepped closer, with a finger gently brushing the underside of the droopy flower to lift it up so I could see into it.

Petals torn and smooshed.

I frowned a little more, it would not live for long, let it not be a metaphor for the mended relationship... I am sorry.

I let the flower drop its head and sat on my bed, head in hands as I worked on sorting my thoughts.

As night fell I still couldn't sleep, I had tried anything, a calming tea, some reading, going through the taught forms of sword handling, stared at the ceiling or at the stars but nothing.... Nothing soothed my turbulent mind.

"You have the knack to ease my worries mage." I whispered to myself as I stared into the stars.

With a few simple words she could turn my thoughts around and yet it was her that filled my thoughts and she was not here.

She was not at the foot of the wall.

She was not in the vines.

She was not on my window sill.

She was not here to ease my worries.

I dropped my head on the window sill, how much of an idiot is your future queen? What would you say Solor? Am I even worth the crown?

"Tell me.... What does the future have in store for me?" I asked from whoever listened. "I--" Bamm!

The walls shook and I fell on my ass.

"What the hell?!" I yelled, getting up and trying to look outside again but a wall of blue fire shot out to block the view.

I stumbled backwards.

I heard my doorknob turn and I grabbed my sword, unsheathing it and holding it up but it was just Eleric who busted in.

"Brother." I called, sheathing my sword, tying it too my waist as I approached him, backing away from the window as the fire reached in, spreading fast, grabbing at whatever could burn and burnt it.

"Hurry!" He said, pulling me by my arm, he was in nightclothes unlike me who had not had the strength to change anything about my appearance since my talk with Mystery.

 We stood out in the hallways with the rest of my family either already there or just joining us.

"Mirrel duck!" I yelled and he did reflexively as a sword slashed over his head, yanking my sword out I jabbed it through the eye holes in the black helmet and the body collapsed.

I watched it for a little, it was an all black armor, none of our guards had armor like this.

"How did they get here?" Meridith asked in worry but no one could answer, no one said anything until a burst of blue fire blew out of my mothers room and overheated a crystal torch, causing the crystal to crack before it exploded in many small shards, a thin piece stabbing in my youngest brother's hand.


"I am fine!" He said worried as now there was normal fire too.

"To Ethan's room!" My mother ordered. "It is in the corner of the castle and the room is made of stone, we'll wait there."

My mother tried to push me ahead but I side stepped her.

"Go mother, I'll come up rear."

"Audrey you ar--" "Are the heir to the throne and out of everyone I must be protected I know.... But I also know that I am the one dressed to fight and have a weapon, please mother lets not fight, not this time."

"You will make a magnificent queen on day, now lets get to safety, the mages must be working."

I ended up stabbing one other black knight before getting to that room.

I had a shiver run up my back when we entered... He is not here anymore, it will be fine.

I stood near the closed door, sword in hand even if Eleric tried to have me give it to him, I refused, I don't feel comfortable parting with it.

I held it up with a tight grip when the doorknob was turned and the door was kicked in.

"Emersme!" Eleric called out in relief and hugged the mage who looked shocked for a second before patting his back, they are adorable together.

And soon after him she came too.

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